Discover books similar to "Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness"

Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness cover

Evelyn Underhill

Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness


In "Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness," Evelyn Underhill provides a comprehensive and accessible exploration of the complex world of mysticism. Underhill, a prominent British scholar and spiritual writer, delves into the nature of mystical experience and its role in the development of spiritual consciousness. The book is divided into three parts. The first part offers an overview of mysticism, its definition, and its history. Underhill examines the different forms of mysticism, including Christian, Islamic, Jewish, Hindu, and Buddhist mysticism, and provides a detailed analysis of the stages of mystical development. The second part focuses on the practice of mysticism, including contemplation, meditation, and asceticism. Underhill also discusses the challenges and pitfalls of the mystical path. The third part of the book explores the relationship between mysticism and religion, art, and morality. Underhill argues that mysticism is not a separate realm from everyday life, but rather a way of experiencing and understanding the world that can enrich and transform all aspects of human existence. Throughout the book, Underhill draws on a wide range of sources, including the works of mystics, philosophers, and theologians, as well as her own experiences and observations. She writes in a clear and engaging style, making complex ideas accessible to a broad audience. "Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness" is a classic work that continues to be relevant and influential today. It offers a rich and nuanced exploration of mysticism that is grounded in historical and philosophical context, yet remains accessible and engaging. Whether you are a scholar, a spiritual seeker, or simply someone interested in exploring the mysteries of human consciousness, this book is a valuable resource that will deepen your understanding and appreciation of the mystical path...

List of books similar to "Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness":

The Perennial Philosophy cover

Aldous Huxley

The Perennial Philosophy

Huxley's work is a survey of the world's mystical traditions, highlighting their shared themes and principles. This book is a great complement to Underhill's 'Mysticism' as it provides a global perspective on spiritual consciousness.

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The Cloud of Unknowing cover


The Cloud of Unknowing

This 14th-century Christian mystical text emphasizes the importance of contemplative prayer and the 'cloud of unknowing' that separates the human experience from divine union. It is a must-read for those interested in the development of spiritual consciousness.

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The Imitation of Christ cover

Thomas à Kempis

The Imitation of Christ

This Christian devotional classic focuses on the interior life and the imitation of Christ as the path to spiritual perfection. It is a valuable resource for those seeking to deepen their understanding of spiritual consciousness.

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The Hero With a Thousand Faces cover

Joseph Campbell

The Hero With a Thousand Faces

Campbell's work on the monomyth, or the hero's journey, is a valuable resource for understanding the archetypal patterns present in mystical and spiritual traditions. It provides a unique perspective on the development of spiritual consciousness.

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The Tao of Physics cover

Fritjof Capra

The Tao of Physics

Capra explores the connections between modern physics and Eastern mysticism, highlighting the shared principles and concepts. This book is a fascinating exploration of the intersection of science and spirituality, a theme that Underhill also touches upon in her work.

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The Gnostic Gospels cover

Elaine Pagels

The Gnostic Gospels

Pagels' book provides an in-depth look at the Gnostic tradition and its texts, offering a different perspective on early Christianity and spiritual consciousness. It is a valuable resource for those interested in the diversity of spiritual experiences.

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