Part of "Emma Lord" series
"The Alpine Christmas" by Mary Daheim is a cozy mystery novel that takes place in the small town of Alpine, Washington during the holiday season. The novel is the 24th installment in Daheim's "Alpine" series, but it can be read as a standalone book. The story follows protagonist Emma Lord, the editor of the local newspaper, as she tries to solve a murder that occurs during the town's annual Christmas festival. The victim is a wealthy businessman who has made many enemies in Alpine, and Emma must navigate the town's complicated web of relationships and rivalries to uncover the truth. Daheim's writing is warm and engaging, and she does an excellent job of capturing the festive atmosphere of the holiday season. The town of Alpine is filled with quirky and endearing characters, and Emma's determination to solve the murder makes her a relatable and likable protagonist. One of the strengths of "The Alpine Christmas" is its depiction of small-town life. Daheim's portrayal of Alpine is both affectionate and realistic, and she skillfully balances the town's sense of community with its underlying tensions and conflicts. The mystery plot is well-constructed, with enough twists and turns to keep readers guessing until the end. Daheim also incorporates elements of romance and humor into the story, adding to its overall charm and appeal. Overall, "The Alpine Christmas" is a delightful and entertaining read that is perfect for the holiday season. Its engaging characters, festive atmosphere, and intriguing mystery make it a standout addition to the cozy mystery genre...
David Baldacci
The Christmas Train
For readers who enjoyed the travel theme and holiday spirit of 'The Alpine Christmas', 'The Christmas Train' by David Baldacci is a great choice. This novel follows the journey of a disgraced journalist who boards a cross-country train to get home for the holidays. Along the way, he encounters a diverse group of passengers and becomes embroiled in a mystery that threatens to derail the trip. The novel captures the magic and wonder of the holiday season, making it a perfect read for fans of 'The Alpine Christmas'.
Learn MoreO. Henry
The Gift of the Magi
For readers who enjoyed the holiday spirit and character dynamics of 'The Alpine Christmas', 'The Gift of the Magi' by O. Henry is a great choice. This classic short story follows the story of a young couple who sacrifice their most prized possessions to buy each other Christmas gifts. The story captures the true meaning of the holiday season and the power of love and sacrifice. It is a perfect read for fans of 'The Alpine Christmas' who enjoy heartwarming stories.
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