Part of "Wizard Twins" series
"When Wizards Rule" by Lora Leigh is a captivating fantasy romance novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey through a world of magic, danger, and passion. The story follows the lives of two powerful wizards, Drake and Keira, who are destined to rule the magical realm of Eld, but their love for each other threatens to destroy the very world they are meant to govern. Drake, the High Wizard of Eld, has spent his entire life preparing to take the throne and protect his people from the dark forces that threaten their existence. However, when he meets Keira, a beautiful and powerful wizard with a mysterious past, he is instantly drawn to her and finds himself questioning everything he knows about his destiny. Keira, who has spent years hiding from the dark forces that killed her family, is hesitant to trust Drake, but she cannot deny the intense connection between them. As they grow closer, they must confront the dark secrets of their past and the dangerous enemies that seek to destroy them. Leigh's vivid world-building and intricate plot make "When Wizards Rule" a must-read for fans of fantasy romance. The characters are well-developed and relatable, and the romantic tension between Drake and Keira is palpable. The novel explores themes of love, power, and destiny, and the author's use of magic and fantasy elements adds an exciting and fresh twist to the traditional romance genre. Overall, "When Wizards Rule" is a thrilling and enchanting novel that will leave readers eagerly awaiting the next installment in the series. With its captivating storyline, engaging characters, and richly detailed world, this book is a standout in the fantasy romance genre...
Deborah Harkness
A Discovery of Witches
If you enjoyed the magical elements and strong female protagonist in 'When Wizards Rule', you'll love 'A Discovery of Witches'. This book follows the story of a witch who discovers a long-lost magical manuscript and must navigate the dangerous world of magic and academia to keep it safe.
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The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane
Fans of historical fiction and magic will enjoy 'The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane'. The story follows a young woman who discovers a long-lost book of magic and must navigate the dangerous world of Salem's history to uncover its secrets.
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The Magicians
If you enjoyed the blend of magic and real-world setting in 'When Wizards Rule', you'll love 'The Magicians'. This book follows the story of a young man who discovers that magic is real and must navigate the dangerous world of a secret magical university to hone his skills.
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The Name of the Wind
Fans of epic fantasy and magic will enjoy 'The Name of the Wind'. The story follows the life of a young man who grows up to become the most famous wizard in the world, and must navigate the dangerous world of magic, politics, and adventure to keep his secret safe.
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The Darkest Part of the Forest
If you enjoyed the blend of magic and folklore in 'When Wizards Rule', you'll love 'The Darkest Part of the Forest'. This book follows the story of a young woman who must navigate the dangerous world of faerie magic and the supernatural to save her brother.
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The Near Witch
Fans of atmospheric and eerie tales of magic will enjoy 'The Near Witch'. The story follows the story of a young woman who must navigate the dangerous world of a small village plagued by a mysterious witch.
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The Wise Man's Fear
If you enjoyed the epic fantasy and magic in 'When Wizards Rule', you'll love 'The Wise Man's Fear'. This book is the second in the series and follows the continuing story of the most famous wizard in the world as he navigates the dangerous world of magic, politics, and adventure.
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The Queen of the Tearling
If you enjoyed the blend of magic, politics, and adventure in 'When Wizards Rule', you'll love 'The Queen of the Tearling'. This book follows the story of a young queen who must navigate the dangerous world of politics and magic to save her kingdom.
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