Part of "The Duke Trilogy" series
"Duke of Scandal" by Adele Ashworth is a captivating historical romance novel that transports readers to the Regency era in England. The story revolves around the dashing and notorious Duke of Trent, Gabriel, who is known for his scandalous behavior and numerous mistresses. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he inherits a ward, the innocent and headstrong Lady Isabel. As Gabriel takes on the responsibility of raising Isabel, he finds himself drawn to her pure heart and fiery spirit. Despite his initial reluctance, he begins to see the value of a genuine relationship and the possibility of a happy future. Meanwhile, Isabel, who has always been fascinated by the mysterious duke, starts to see him in a new light. As they spend more time together, they both discover that there is more to each other than meets the eye. Ashworth masterfully weaves a tale of love, redemption, and self-discovery, set against the backdrop of high society and political intrigue. The characters are well-developed, and the author does an excellent job of portraying the complexities of human emotions and relationships. The novel is a delightful escape into a world of elegance, passion, and scandal, and readers will find themselves rooting for Gabriel and Isabel as they navigate the challenges of love and societal expectations. Overall, "Duke of Scandal" is a must-read for fans of historical romance novels. Ashworth's writing style is engaging, and her attention to detail brings the Regency era to life. The novel is a perfect blend of romance, drama, and adventure, and readers will be captivated by the story of Gabriel and Isabel from beginning to end...
Elizabeth Hoyt
The Wicked Duke
For more intrigue and passion in the world of the ton, try 'The Wicked Duke' by Elizabeth Hoyt. This book features a duke with a dark past, a mysterious heroine, and a captivating love story filled with adventure, desire, and unexpected twists. Fans of Adele Ashworth's writing will appreciate Hoyt's rich historical detail and engaging characters.
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The Devil in Winter
In 'The Devil in Winter' by Lisa Kleypas, a shy wallflower and a rakish nobleman are forced into a marriage of convenience. As they navigate their new life together, they discover that they have more in common than they initially thought. This book is a delightful blend of humor, romance, and emotional depth, making it a great choice for fans of 'Duke of Scandal'.
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The Raven Prince
In 'The Raven Prince' by Elizabeth Hoyt, a widowed prince and a governess with a scandalous past team up to solve a mystery and find love along the way. This book is a captivating blend of romance, intrigue, and wit, with rich historical detail and unforgettable characters. Fans of 'Duke of Scandal' will appreciate Hoyt's ability to create complex, engaging stories.
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The Untamed Mackenzie
If you're looking for a hero who is as wild and untamed as the Scottish Highlands, try 'The Untamed Mackenzie' by Jennifer Ashley. This book features a hero who has sworn off love and a heroine who is determined to change his mind. With its rich historical detail and engaging characters, this book is a great choice for fans of historical romance.
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The Serpent Prince
In 'The Serpent Prince' by Elizabeth Hoyt, a young woman is forced to marry a mysterious nobleman with a dangerous reputation. As she gets to know him, she discovers that there is more to him than meets the eye. This book is a captivating blend of romance, intrigue, and wit, with rich historical detail and unforgettable characters. Fans of 'Duke of Scandal' will appreciate Hoyt's ability to create complex, engaging stories.
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The Rake
For a story of redemption and love, try 'The Rake' by Mary Jo Putney. This book features a hero who has lived a life of debauchery and a heroine who is determined to save him. With its rich historical detail and engaging characters, this book is a great choice for fans of historical romance.
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