Part of "Welsh Princes" series
"Here Be Dragons" by Sharon Kay Penman is a historical novel that brings to life the tumultuous reign of England's King John and the events that led to the creation of the Magna Carta. The story follows the lives of three central characters: Princess Joanna, her husband, Prince Llewelyn of Gwynedd, and the fictional character of Rowena, a servant in Joanna's household. Penman's meticulous research and attention to detail shine through in her vivid portrayal of medieval Wales and the complex political landscape of the time. The novel explores the tensions between the Welsh princes and the English crown, as well as the internal struggles within the Welsh kingdoms. At the heart of the story is the relationship between Joanna and Llewelyn, which is tested by political machinations, personal betrayals, and the demands of their positions. Penman skillfully weaves historical events with the fictional narratives of her characters, creating a rich and engaging tale that is both informative and entertaining. Rowena's story provides a ground-level perspective on the events of the time, offering readers a glimpse into the lives of the common people and their struggles to survive in a world dominated by powerful lords and kings. "Here Be Dragons" is a sweeping epic that combines historical accuracy with compelling storytelling. Penman's vivid characters and intricate plot will captivate readers and leave them eager for more. This novel is a must-read for fans of historical fiction and anyone interested in the early history of England and Wales...
Marion Zimmer Bradley
The Mists of Avalon
If you enjoyed the historical and mythical elements of 'Here Be Dragons', you'll love 'The Mists of Avalon'. This novel retells the Arthurian legends from the perspective of the women, including Morgan le Fay, providing a unique and immersive reading experience.
Learn MoreAnya Seton
Fans of Sharon Kay Penman's rich historical narratives will appreciate 'Katherine', the story of Katherine Swynford and John of Gaunt's love affair, set against the backdrop of 14th-century England. The novel offers an in-depth look at the period and its political intrigues.
Learn MoreKen Follett
Pillars of the Earth
For readers who enjoyed the epic scope and attention to detail in 'Here Be Dragons', 'Pillars of the Earth' is a must-read. Set in 12th-century England, this novel follows the lives of several characters as they navigate the world of politics, romance, and cathedral building.
Learn MoreGuy Gavriel Kay
The Lions of Al-Rassan
If you were drawn to the cultural clashes and political tensions in 'Here Be Dragons', 'The Lions of Al-Rassan' is an excellent choice. This historical fantasy novel explores the complex relationships between three religious cultures in a world reminiscent of medieval Spain.
Learn MoreC.W. Gortner
The Confessions of Catherine de Medici
Readers who enjoyed the historical figures and dramatic events in 'Here Be Dragons' will appreciate 'The Confessions of Catherine de Medici'. This novel offers a sympathetic portrayal of the infamous queen mother of France, exploring her life and reign during a time of religious conflict and political turmoil.
Learn MoreBernard Cornwell
The Last Kingdom
Fans of 'Here Be Dragons' who are interested in the early medieval period will enjoy 'The Last Kingdom', the first book in the 'Saxon Stories' series. Set in 9th-century England, it follows Uhtred, a Saxon raised by Vikings, as he navigates the conflicts between the two cultures.
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