Part of "Chandler Brothers" series
"The Bachelor" by Carly Phillips is a contemporary romance novel that follows the story of Carter Anderson, a successful sports agent who has decided to take a break from dating and commit to his career. However, his plans are turned upside down when he meets Olivia D Chase, a beautiful and intelligent woman who is determined to make him see that love is worth the risk. Carter is immediately drawn to Olivia, but he is hesitant to start a relationship with her due to his past experiences and his focus on his career. Olivia, on the other hand, is not one to give up easily and she sets out to prove to Carter that they are meant to be together. Phillips does an excellent job of creating well-developed characters that are easy to relate to and root for. Carter is a likable protagonist who is successful, yet vulnerable, and Olivia is a strong and independent woman who knows what she wants. The chemistry between the two is palpable and the sexual tension is high, making for a page-turning and engaging read. The novel also touches on themes of trust, forgiveness, and the importance of following one's heart. Phillips' writing style is witty and engaging, making for a quick and enjoyable read. The pacing is well-balanced, and the story flows smoothly, making it difficult to put down. Overall, "The Bachelor" is a delightful and entertaining romance novel that will leave readers rooting for Carter and Olivia to find their happily ever after. It is a perfect read for fans of contemporary romance and those looking for a heartwarming and sexy story...
Durjoy Datta
The Heiress
For readers who enjoyed the romantic plotline of 'The Bachelor', 'The Heiress' by Durjoy Datta is a great choice. This contemporary romance novel tells the story of a wealthy heiress who falls in love with a man from a completely different world. The novel explores themes of love, class, and family, making it a compelling read for fans of Carly Phillips.
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The Marriage Bargain
For readers who enjoyed the marriage plotline of 'The Bachelor', 'The Marriage Bargain' by Jennifer Probst is a great choice. This contemporary romance novel tells the story of a woman who agrees to marry a man for convenience. The novel is full of drama, romance, and emotion, making it a compelling read for fans of Carly Phillips.
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