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The New Industrial State cover

John Kenneth Galbraith

The New Industrial State


"The New Industrial State" by John Kenneth Galbraith is a seminal work that offers a comprehensive analysis of the modern corporate economy. First published in 1967, the book remains highly relevant today, providing valuable insights into the nature of power and decision-making in large corporations and the broader society. Galbraith argues that the industrial system has evolved into a "new industrial state" characterized by the dominance of large corporations that plan and control the economy through their control of technology, markets, and the political process. These corporations, he contends, have replaced the market as the primary means of allocating resources and determining prices, leading to a "technostructure" that makes decisions based on the collective judgment of its members rather than the dictates of the market. The book is divided into three parts. The first part examines the nature of the modern corporation and the technostructure, while the second part explores the relationship between the corporation and the state. Galbraith argues that the corporation and the state are interdependent, with the state providing the necessary infrastructure and regulatory framework for the corporation to operate, while the corporation provides the tax base and economic growth that the state requires. The third part of the book examines the implications of the new industrial state for society and the individual. Galbraith argues that the technostructure has replaced the market as the primary source of economic power, leading to a shift in the balance of power in society. He contends that this shift has important implications for democracy, social welfare, and the distribution of income and wealth. Galbraith's analysis is both insightful and thought-provoking, challenging many of the assumptions of classical economics and offering a new perspective on the nature of power and decision-making in modern society. While some of his predictions have proven to be incorrect, his overall analysis remains highly relevant today, providing a valuable framework for understanding the dynamics of the modern corporate economy. In conclusion, "The New Industrial State" is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the nature of power and decision-making in the modern corporate economy. Galbraith's analysis is both comprehensive and insightful, offering a valuable perspective on the implications of the new industrial state for society and the individual...

List of books similar to "The New Industrial State":

The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time cover

Karl Polanyi

The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time

Polanyi's classic work on the rise and fall of the market economy offers a historical perspective on the relationship between the state, the market, and society. This book is an excellent complement to Galbraith's 'The New Industrial State', as it explores the social and political consequences of market-driven economies and the need for a more balanced approach.

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The Affluent Society cover

John Kenneth Galbraith

The Affluent Society

Galbraith's earlier work, 'The Affluent Society', offers a compelling critique of consumerism and the unequal distribution of wealth in post-war America. Readers of 'The New Industrial State' will find this book a natural extension of Galbraith's ideas on the role of large corporations and the importance of democratic decision-making in a modern economy.

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Monopoly Capital: An Essay on the American Economic and Social Order cover

Paul A. Baran

Monopoly Capital: An Essay on the American Economic and Social Order

Baran and Sweezy's groundbreaking work on monopoly capitalism offers a Marxist perspective on the concentration of economic power in large corporations. This book is an insightful complement to Galbraith's 'The New Industrial State', as it delves deeper into the consequences of monopolistic practices and the need for democratic control over the economy.

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The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power cover

Joel Bakan

The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power

Bakan's provocative book examines the legal and moral status of corporations, arguing that they operate as psychopathic entities driven by the relentless pursuit of profit. This book is a thought-provoking companion to Galbraith's 'The New Industrial State', as it raises questions about the role of corporations in society and the need for regulation and accountability.

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