Part of "Nancy Drew: Girl Detective" series
"Framed" by Carolyn Keene is a thrilling young adult mystery novel that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. The story follows the beloved character Nancy Drew as she sets out to solve another captivating case. This time, Nancy finds herself investigating a series of thefts at the local art museum. Keene masterfully weaves a tale of intrigue and suspense, as Nancy uncovers a web of secrets and lies that lead her to a dangerous criminal. Along the way, she encounters a cast of colorful characters, each with their own hidden agendas and motives. One of the strengths of "Framed" is its fast-paced plot, which keeps readers engaged and guessing until the very end. Keene also excels at creating a vivid and immersive setting, transporting readers to the world of high-stakes art theft and deception. In addition to its thrilling storyline, "Framed" also offers valuable lessons about perseverance, critical thinking, and the importance of standing up for what is right. Nancy Drew is a strong and independent female protagonist, who serves as a positive role model for young readers. Overall, "Framed" is a must-read for fans of the Nancy Drew series and for anyone who enjoys a well-crafted mystery. Its engaging plot, memorable characters, and timeless themes make it a standout addition to the genre. Whether you're a longtime fan or new to the world of Nancy Drew, "Framed" is a book that is sure to delight and inspire...
Trenton Lee Stewart
The Mysterious Benedict Society
Fans of 'Framed' will enjoy this series opener about four gifted children who are recruited by the eccentric Mr. Benedict to save the world from a dangerous genius. Like 'Framed', this book features a group of kids with different talents who must work together to solve a mystery.
Learn MoreEllen Raskin
The Westing Game
Like 'Framed', this is a mystery novel that features a group of people brought together under strange circumstances who must use their individual skills to solve a puzzle. In this Newbery Medal-winning book, sixteen people who live in the same apartment building are invited to the reading of Samuel W. Westing's will and become suspects when they are all given a chance to win his fortune.
Learn MoreSiobhan Dowd
The London Eye Mystery
Ted and Kat, the brother and sister duo in this novel, will remind readers of Joe and Frank from 'Framed'. When their cousin Salim goes missing on the London Eye, Ted and Kat must use their unique perspectives and skills to find him. This is a great pick for those who enjoyed the sibling dynamics in 'Framed'.
Learn MoreBlue Balliett
Chasing Vermeer
This book is a great pick for those who enjoyed the art-related mystery in 'Framed'. When a famous Vermeer painting disappears from a Chicago museum, two unlikely friends team up to solve the crime. This book, like 'Framed', features young sleuths, a fascinating mystery, and a well-crafted plot.
Learn MoreE.L. Konigsburg
The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
In this Newbery Medal-winning book, Claudia and her brother Jamie run away from home and hide out in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Like 'Framed', this book features children who are not only intelligent and resourceful but also find themselves in the middle of a mystery. Fans of 'Framed' will enjoy this classic children's novel.
Learn MoreEric Berlin
The Puzzling World of Winston Breen
Winston Breen, a puzzle-loving protagonist, will remind readers of Joe from 'Framed'. When Winston discovers a mysterious note with a complex puzzle, he sets out to solve it, leading him on a thrilling adventure. This book is a great pick for those who enjoyed the puzzle-solving aspect of 'Framed'.
Learn MorePseudonymous Bosch
The Name of This Book Is Secret
This series opener about a secret society and a mysterious book will appeal to fans of 'Framed'. When Cass and Max-Ernest stumble upon a clue in an old estate sale, they find themselves in the middle of a dangerous adventure. Like 'Framed', this book features young sleuths, a thrilling plot, and a touch of humor.
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The Secret Series
This five-book series about a secret society and a group of kids who uncover its secrets will appeal to fans of 'Framed'. Like 'Framed', this series features young sleuths, a thrilling plot, and a touch of humor. Fans of 'Framed' will enjoy the mystery and adventure in this series.
Learn MoreE.L. Konigsburg
From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
This book, like 'Framed', features children who are not only intelligent and resourceful but also find themselves in the middle of a mystery. Claudia and her brother Jamie run away from home and hide out in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Fans of 'Framed' will enjoy this classic children's novel.
Learn MoreE.L. Konigsburg
The Mysterious Edge of the Heroic World
This book, like 'Framed', features children who are not only intelligent and resourceful but also find themselves in the middle of a mystery. Amedeo Kaplan, a curious and imaginative boy, discovers a missing painting that may have been created by a famous artist. Fans of 'Framed' will enjoy this thought-provoking and engaging novel.
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