Part of "Pellucidar" series
"Back to the Stone Age" by Edgar Rice Burroughs is a thrilling and imaginative novel that takes readers on a wild adventure through time and prehistory. The story follows the protagonist, Julian Whittaker, a wealthy and bored young man who stumbles upon a hidden cave while on a hunting trip in the American Southwest. Inside the cave, Whittaker discovers a strange and ancient artifact that transports him back in time to the Stone Age. There, he must learn to survive in a world that is completely foreign to him, full of danger, and dominated by fierce and primitive creatures. Along the way, Whittaker encounters a number of interesting characters, including a beautiful cavewoman named Akela, who becomes his companion and ally in this strange new world. Burroughs, who is best known for his Tarzan series, brings his signature style of adventure and excitement to "Back to the Stone Age." The novel is filled with vivid descriptions of the prehistoric world, as well as thrilling scenes of action and danger. At the same time, it also explores deeper themes, such as the nature of humanity, the importance of community, and the struggle for survival. Overall, "Back to the Stone Age" is a captivating and exciting read that will transport you to a world that is both fascinating and terrifying. Whether you're a fan of classic adventure stories or just looking for a thrilling escape, this novel is sure to deliver. So why not take a journey back in time with Edgar Rice Burroughs and discover the wonders and dangers of the Stone Age for yourself???
H.G. Wells
The Time Machine
Fans of time-travel and prehistoric worlds will enjoy 'The Time Machine' by H.G. Wells. The novel tells the story of a Victorian scientist who invents a time machine and travels to the distant future, where he encounters a world divided into two species: the Eloi and the Morlocks.
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The Clan of the Cave Bear
This book is a great choice for fans of 'Back to the Stone Age' as it provides a detailed and captivating portrayal of life in the Stone Age. The story follows a young girl named Ayla, who is adopted by a clan of Neanderthals and must navigate the challenges and dangers of living in prehistoric times.
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The People of the Wind
Fans of epic fantasy and prehistoric worlds will enjoy 'The People of the Wind' by Poul Anderson. The novel tells the story of a group of humans who must fight for survival in a world dominated by powerful and dangerous creatures.
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