Part of "A Cass Shipton Mystery" series
"Charmed Circle: A Novel of Love, Magic, and Murder in the Jazz Age" by Dolores Stewart Riccio is a captivating and atmospheric historical fiction novel that weaves together elements of mystery, romance, and the supernatural. Set in the vibrant and decadent world of 1920s New York City, the story follows a group of bohemian artists, writers, and musicians who gather at a Greenwich Village townhouse known as the Charmed Circle. Among them is the enigmatic and alluring medium, Evelyn O'Neill, who uses her psychic abilities to help her friends navigate the challenges of their lives and relationships. However, when a series of murders begins to plague the group, Evelyn finds herself drawn into a dangerous game of cat and mouse with a mysterious killer who seems to know more about her and her abilities than anyone else. As the body count rises and the stakes get higher, Evelyn must use all of her cunning and resourcefulness to uncover the truth and bring the killer to justice. Riccio's writing is rich and evocative, transporting the reader straight into the heart of the Roaring Twenties with its jazz music, speakeasies, and flapper dresses. The characters are complex and well-drawn, each with their own secrets and motivations that add depth and intrigue to the story. At its core, "Charmed Circle" is a novel about the power of friendship, love, and the human spirit in the face of adversity. It explores themes of identity, truth, and the blurred lines between reality and illusion, making for a thought-provoking and engaging read. Overall, "Charmed Circle" is a must-read for fans of historical fiction, mystery, and the supernatural. Its unique blend of genres and captivating storytelling make it a standout addition to any reader's bookshelf...
Katherine Howe
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