Part of "Isavalta" series
"The Usurper's Crown" by Sarah Zettel is a captivating and intricate fantasy novel that explores themes of power, loyalty, and identity. The story is set in a richly detailed world inspired by Renaissance Italy, where the ruling family, the Medici-like Borgias, face a dangerous rebellion from a rival house. The narrative centers around the cunning and resourceful heroine, Lucia, who is thrust into the heart of the conflict when her family is murdered, and she is adopted by the Borgia family. Lucia must navigate the treacherous waters of court politics, where alliances shift as quickly as the wind, and betrayal lurks around every corner. Zettel's writing is sharp and evocative, bringing to life the opulent palaces, bustling marketplaces, and shadowy backstreets of the city. The characters are well-drawn and complex, with Lucia emerging as a compelling and relatable protagonist. The author skillfully balances the intrigue and political maneuvering with moments of emotional depth and introspection, creating a multilayered and engaging story. One of the standout features of "The Usurper's Crown" is the exploration of gender and power. Lucia, who presents as male, must confront the limitations and expectations placed upon her by society, as well as the consequences of her own actions. The novel raises thought-provoking questions about identity, authenticity, and the performance of gender, adding a further layer of depth to the narrative. In conclusion, "The Usurper's Crown" is a highly recommended read for fans of political intrigue, complex characters, and richly imagined worlds. Sarah Zettel has crafted a compelling and engaging story that will keep readers hooked until the very last page...
Katherine Addison
The Goblin Emperor
For those who appreciated the complex characters and courtly drama in 'The Usurper's Crown', 'The Goblin Emperor' is a great choice. This novel tells the story of a half-goblin, half-human prince who unexpectedly becomes emperor and must navigate the treacherous waters of court politics and familial expectations.
Learn MoreN.K. Jemisin
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms
If you enjoyed the exploration of power dynamics and social hierarchies in 'The Usurper's Crown', you'll appreciate 'The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms'. This novel follows a young woman who is thrust into the center of a struggle for power among the gods and must use her wits and cunning to survive.
Learn MoreSamantha Shannon
The Priory of the Orange Tree
For those who loved the epic scope and fantastical creatures in 'The Usurper's Crown', 'The Priory of the Orange Tree' is a must-read. This novel is a sweeping epic that follows four protagonists as they navigate political intrigue, forbidden love, and the looming threat of a dragon apocalypse.
Learn MoreN.K. Jemisin
The City We Became
If you enjoyed the vivid world-building and diverse cast of characters in 'The Usurper's Crown', you'll love 'The City We Became'. This novel follows a group of New Yorkers who must come together to defend their city from an ancient evil that threatens to destroy it.
Learn MoreR.F. Kuang
The Poppy War
If you enjoyed the dark themes and intense action in 'The Usurper's Crown', you'll appreciate 'The Poppy War'. This novel is a brutal and unflinching look at the cost of war and the consequences of power, and follows a young woman who becomes embroiled in a conflict that will change her world forever.
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