Part of "Lucky Santangelo" series
"Lucky" by Jackie Collins is a captivating novel that follows the life of a strong-willed and ambitious woman in the cutthroat world of Hollywood. The book centers around Lucky Santangelo, the daughter of a powerful gangster, who has grown up to become a successful businesswoman and owner of a popular nightclub. Collins masterfully weaves together a tale of power, sex, and ambition as Lucky navigates the treacherous waters of Hollywood's elite. From her tumultuous relationships with men to her fierce determination to succeed in a male-dominated industry, Lucky is a complex and compelling character that readers can't help but root for. The novel is set against the backdrop of the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, and Collins' vivid descriptions of the lavish parties, luxurious homes, and high-stakes business deals make for an engaging and immersive reading experience. At the same time, the author doesn't shy away from exploring the darker side of the entertainment industry, including the rampant drug use, infidelity, and corruption that often come with fame and fortune. One of the standout features of "Lucky" is Collins' ability to create a cast of memorable and diverse characters. From Lucky's loyal best friend to her ruthless business rivals, each character is fully realized and adds depth and complexity to the story. Overall, "Lucky" is a thrilling and entertaining read that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. With its fast-paced plot, complex characters, and vivid descriptions, this novel is a must-read for fans of Jackie Collins and anyone looking for a gripping tale of power, sex, and ambition...
Jackie Collins
The Stud
If you enjoyed 'Lucky' by Jackie Collins, you might like 'The Stud' - another novel by the same author, featuring a strong and ambitious female protagonist, Felix, who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. This time, the story revolves around the glamorous world of London's nightclubs and high society.
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Hollywood Wives
For readers who enjoyed the behind-the-scenes look at the lives of the rich and famous in 'Lucky', 'Hollywood Wives' is another must-read by Jackie Collins. This novel delves into the scandalous lives of Hollywood's elite, exploring themes of power, ambition, and betrayal.
Learn MoreJackie Collins
The Bitch
If you're looking for another fast-paced and addictive novel by Jackie Collins, 'The Bitch' is a great choice. This book tells the story of Fontaine Khaled, a ruthless and cunning businesswoman who will do whatever it takes to stay on top in the cutthroat world of New York City.
Learn MoreLauren Weisberger
The Devil Wears Prada
Fans of 'Lucky' who enjoyed the portrayal of a strong and ambitious woman in the cutthroat world of business might enjoy 'The Devil Wears Prada' by Lauren Weisberger. This novel tells the story of Andrea Sachs, a young woman who lands a job at a top fashion magazine and must navigate the treacherous waters of the industry to succeed.
Learn MoreDonna Tartt
The Secret History
For readers who enjoyed the dark and twisted plot of 'Lucky', 'The Secret History' by Donna Tartt is a great choice. This novel tells the story of a group of eccentric and privileged students at a small liberal arts college who become embroiled in a murder plot that threatens to unravel their lives.
Learn MoreCynthia D'Aprix Sweeney
The Nest
For readers who enjoyed the family dynamics and drama in 'Lucky', 'The Nest' by Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney is a great choice. This novel tells the story of the Plumb family, who are awaiting a large inheritance from their father, only to have it threatened by one of their own. The novel explores themes of family, loyalty, and betrayal.
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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
If you enjoyed the thrilling and suspenseful plot of 'Lucky', 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' by Stieg Larsson is a great choice. This novel tells the story of Mikael Blomkvist, a journalist who teams up with Lisbeth Salander, a brilliant but troubled hacker, to solve a decades-old murder.
Learn MoreGillian Flynn
Gone Girl
For readers who enjoyed the twists and turns of 'Lucky', 'Gone Girl' by Gillian Flynn is a must-read. This novel tells the story of Amy Dunne, who goes missing on her fifth wedding anniversary, and her husband Nick, who becomes the prime suspect in her disappearance. The novel explores themes of marriage, identity, and deception.
Learn MoreLiane Moriarty
Big Little Lies
If you enjoyed the combination of drama, suspense, and humor in 'Lucky', 'Big Little Lies' by Liane Moriarty is a great choice. This novel tells the story of three women who become embroiled in a murder investigation in their small coastal town. The novel explores themes of motherhood, marriage, and female friendship.
Learn MoreKarin Slaughter
The Good Daughter
For readers who enjoyed the dark and twisted plot of 'Lucky', 'The Good Daughter' by Karin Slaughter is a great choice. This novel tells the story of Charlotte Quinn, a successful lawyer who must confront her past when a violent crime rocks her hometown. The novel explores themes of family, trauma, and justice.
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