Part of "Highland Rogues" series
"The Fraser Bride" by Lois Greiman is a captivating historical romance novel that transports readers to the wild and untamed Scottish Highlands. The story centers around Cinaed Fraser, a rugged and powerful laird, who is haunted by the memory of his first wife and the child she bore him before her untimely death. When Cinaed stumbles upon a mysterious and beautiful woman named Mairead, he becomes captivated by her spirit and strength, and soon finds himself unable to resist the pull of a new love. However, their path to happiness is fraught with danger and deception, as Mairead harbors a secret that could destroy everything Cinaed holds dear. Greiman's vivid and evocative writing style brings the Scottish Highlands to life, immersing readers in a world of rugged landscapes, fierce battles, and passionate romance. The characters are well-developed and relatable, with Cinaed and Mairead's chemistry sizzling off the page. One of the standout aspects of "The Fraser Bride" is Greiman's ability to weave historical details into the story in a way that feels natural and engaging. From the intricacies of Highland clan politics to the daily life of a medieval Scottish castle, every detail is carefully researched and expertly integrated into the narrative. Overall, "The Fraser Bride" is a must-read for fans of historical romance. With its compelling plot, richly drawn characters, and vivid sense of place, it is a book that will transport readers to another time and place, and leave them longing for more...
Diane Chamberlain
The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes
This book is a gripping tale of a woman, CeeCee, who agrees to be a decoy bride for a fugitive on the run. Years later, she starts receiving threats and must confront her past. Like 'The Fraser Bride', this book also explores themes of identity, secrets, and the consequences of our actions.
Learn MoreAnthony Capella
The Wedding Officer
Set in Naples during World War II, this book tells the story of a British officer tasked with approving marriages between British soldiers and Italian women. This book is a great choice for fans of 'The Fraser Bride' as it combines historical fiction with a romantic plotline and explores themes of love, duty, and cultural differences.
Learn MoreNikki Gemmell
The Bride Stripped Bare
This novel tells the story of a woman who leaves her husband and children to pursue her own desires and passions. This book is a great choice for fans of 'The Fraser Bride' who enjoy reading about complex and nuanced female characters who challenge societal norms.
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