Part of "Mathilde of Westminster" series
"The Poison Maiden" by Paul Doherty is a historical mystery novel set in the tumultuous world of medieval England during the reign of King Edward II. The story follows the adventures of a young physician named Hugh Corbett, who is called upon by the king to investigate a series of mysterious and gruesome deaths in the royal court. As Corbett delves deeper into the case, he discovers that the victims have all been poisoned by a rare and deadly toxin, known as the "poison maiden." The search for the source of the poison leads Corbett on a dangerous journey through the dark underbelly of London, where he encounters a cast of colorful and suspicious characters, including a ruthless gang of assassins, a cunning alchemist, and a beautiful and enigmatic noblewoman. Doherty's masterful storytelling combines historical detail with a gripping and suspenseful plot, making "The Poison Maiden" a must-read for fans of historical fiction and mystery novels. The author's extensive knowledge of medieval England is evident on every page, as he brings to life the sights, sounds, and smells of the period with vivid and evocative prose. At the heart of the novel is the character of Hugh Corbett, who is both intelligent and resourceful, yet also deeply human and flawed. As he navigates the treacherous waters of the royal court, Corbett must confront his own demons and make difficult moral choices that will test his resolve and his loyalties. Overall, "The Poison Maiden" is a thrilling and engaging historical mystery that will keep readers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end. With its richly drawn characters, intricate plot, and atmospheric setting, this novel is a true masterpiece of the genre, and a testament to Doherty's skill as a storyteller...
Oliver Pötzsch
The Hangman's Daughter
If you enjoyed 'The Poison Maiden' and its historical mystery setting, you'll likely appreciate 'The Hangman's Daughter'. This novel is set in 17th-century Germany and follows the story of a hangman and his daughter as they investigate a series of murders. The atmospheric setting and intricate plot will remind you of Doherty's work.
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The Alienist
Fans of 'The Poison Maiden' will enjoy 'The Alienist' for its historical setting and thrilling mystery. Set in 1896 New York City, this novel follows a criminal psychologist as he tracks down a serial killer. The attention to historical detail and the gripping plot will keep you engaged until the very end.
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The Name of the Rose
If you're looking for a historical mystery with a philosophical bent, 'The Name of the Rose' is the perfect choice. Set in a 14th-century Italian monastery, this novel follows a Franciscan friar and his young apprentice as they investigate a series of murders. The complex plot and rich historical detail will appeal to fans of 'The Poison Maiden'.
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The Dante Club
If you enjoyed the historical setting and literary references in 'The Poison Maiden', you'll love 'The Dante Club'. Set in post-Civil War Boston, this novel follows a group of poets as they investigate a series of murders inspired by Dante's Inferno. The literary allusions and historical detail make this a must-read for fans of Doherty's work.
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The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane
If you enjoyed the blend of history and the supernatural in 'The Poison Maiden', you'll love 'The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane'. Set in 1991 Salem, Massachusetts, this novel follows a graduate student as she uncovers a family secret involving witchcraft. The historical detail and eerie atmosphere make this a standout choice.
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The Secret History
If you're looking for a historical mystery with a psychological bent, 'The Secret History' is the perfect choice. Set in a small Vermont college in the 1980s, this novel follows a group of classics students as they investigate a murder. The rich character development and atmospheric setting will appeal to fans of 'The Poison Maiden'.
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The House of Silk
Fans of Sherlock Holmes and historical mysteries will enjoy 'The House of Silk'. Set in 1890s London, this novel follows a retired detective as he investigates a series of murders. The attention to historical detail and the gripping plot will keep you engaged until the very end.
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