Part of "Mandy Dyer" series
"Pressed to Kill" by Dolores Johnson is a gripping true crime novel that explores the complex and often dark corners of the human psyche. The book tells the story of a seemingly ordinary woman, Martha, who snaps under the weight of societal pressure and expectation, and embarks on a deadly rampage. Johnson's writing is both vivid and compassionate, drawing the reader into Martha's world and allowing them to understand, if not condone, her actions. The author delves deep into Martha's past, revealing a childhood marked by abuse and neglect, and a series of adult relationships that were equally damaging. It is clear that Martha's actions are not the result of a simple desire to do harm, but rather a complex web of factors that have pushed her to the brink. The book also explores the role of the media in shaping public perception of violent crimes, and the ways in which society's fascination with true crime can often overshadow the very real human tragedy at the heart of these stories. Johnson challenges the reader to consider their own relationship with true crime, and to question the assumptions they make about those who commit violent acts. "Pressed to Kill" is a thought-provoking and deeply engaging read that will leave readers questioning their own beliefs about the nature of violence and the human capacity for forgiveness. Johnson's masterful storytelling and incisive social commentary make this a must-read for fans of true crime and psychological thrillers alike...
Leila Slimani
The Perfect Nanny
A chilling psychological portrait of a nanny who becomes increasingly unhinged, with disastrous consequences. Fans of 'Pressed to Kill' will enjoy the exploration of the human psyche and the unreliable narrators.
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Final Girls
A thrilling horror novel about a group of women who have survived massacres and become known as the
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The Silent Patient
A gripping psychological thriller about a woman's act of violence against her husband—and the forensic psychologist who becomes obsessed with uncovering her motive. A great choice for readers of 'Pressed to Kill' who enjoy exploring the minds of complex characters and unraveling intricate mysteries.
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The Woman in the Window
An agoraphobic woman spies on her neighbors and becomes ensnared in a Hitchcockian web of deceit, murder, and madness. Fans of 'Pressed to Kill' will appreciate the domestic noir setting and the exploration of the fragility of the human psyche.
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Sharp Objects
A journalist returns to her hometown to cover a series of murders and becomes entangled in the dark secrets of her own family. Readers of 'Pressed to Kill' will enjoy the twisted relationships and the exploration of the darker side of human nature.
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The Good Daughter
Two girls are forced to grow up too fast when their family is brutally attacked, and twenty-eight years later, one of them returns home to face the ghosts of her past. Fans of 'Pressed to Kill' will appreciate the complex characters and the exploration of family dynamics.
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The Wife Between Us
A twisted psychological thriller about a woman's obsession with her ex-husband's new wife. Readers of 'Pressed to Kill' will enjoy the exploration of the human psyche and the unreliable narrators.
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The Turn of the Key
A modern-day gothic thriller about a nanny who takes a job at a remote Scottish estate and becomes ensnared in a web of secrets, lies, and murder. Fans of 'Pressed to Kill' will enjoy the exploration of the human psyche and the unreliable narrators.
Learn MoreLucy Foley
The Hunting Party
A group of old college friends gathers for a New Year's Eve party at a remote estate in the Scottish Highlands, and one of them ends up dead. Fans of 'Pressed to Kill' will appreciate the locked-room mystery and the exploration of the darker side of human nature.
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