Part of "The House of Winslow" series
"The Royal Handmaid" by Gilbert Morris is a captivating work of historical fiction that transports readers to the court of King David in ancient Israel. The novel centers around Abigail, a young woman with a mysterious past who is chosen to be a handmaid to the queen. Morris expertly weaves together a tale of love, betrayal, and redemption as Abigail navigates the dangerous politics of the royal court. Along the way, she becomes entangled in a forbidden love affair with a member of the king's inner circle, which threatens to destroy everything she holds dear. One of the strengths of "The Royal Handmaid" is the author's meticulous attention to historical detail. Morris's vivid descriptions of daily life in the royal court, as well as his nuanced portrayal of King David, bring the world of the ancient Near East to life in a way that is both engaging and informative. At the same time, the novel is also a deeply spiritual exploration of the nature of faith and redemption. Abigail's journey from a place of fear and uncertainty to one of courage and conviction is both moving and inspiring, and will resonate with readers of all backgrounds. Overall, "The Royal Handmaid" is a rich and rewarding read that combines historical intrigue with spiritual depth. Whether you're a fan of biblical fiction or simply looking for a well-crafted story, this novel is sure to delight and inspire...
Francine Rivers
The Atonement Child
Like 'The Royal Handmaid', 'The Atonement Child' features a strong female lead and explores themes of faith and redemption. This standalone novel tells the story of a young woman who becomes pregnant as the result of a rape and must decide whether to keep the child or have an abortion, all while dealing with the emotional trauma of her past.
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The Scarlet Thread
If you were intrigued by the themes of redemption and faith in 'The Royal Handmaid', you may enjoy 'The Scarlet Thread'. This novel tells the story of a young woman who must come to terms with her past and find forgiveness and redemption through her faith in God.
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The Swan House
If you enjoyed the historical setting and themes of love, loss, and redemption in 'The Royal Handmaid', you may appreciate 'The Swan House'. Set in post-World War II Atlanta, this novel tells the story of a young woman who must come to terms with her family's past and find her own way in the world, all while navigating issues of race, class, and faith.
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