Part of "The Boxcar Children" series
"The Mystery at the Dog Show" by Gertrude Chandler Warner is a delightful addition to the beloved Boxcar Children series. In this adventure, the Alden children find themselves in the midst of a thrilling mystery surrounding a rare and valuable dog set to compete in a national dog show. As the children help their new friend, Mr. Martin, prepare his dog for the competition, they discover a series of suspicious events that threaten the outcome of the show. With their keen eyes and sharp minds, the Aldens work together to uncover the truth behind the mysterious happenings, proving once again that teamwork and determination can solve even the most puzzling of problems. Warner's signature writing style shines through in this engaging and wholesome story, filled with vivid descriptions of the dog show world and the charming personalities of the many animals and people the Aldens encounter along the way. The book also offers valuable lessons about perseverance, sportsmanship, and the importance of treating all living beings with kindness and respect. Young readers will be captivated by the excitement of the dog show and the intrigue of the mystery, making this a perfect choice for fans of the series and newcomers alike. With its engaging plot, relatable characters, and timeless themes, "The Mystery at the Dog Show" is a must-read for any fan of cozy mysteries and heartwarming family stories...
Carolyn Keene
The Secret of the Old Clock
Join Nancy Drew in her very first mystery as she tries to help a girl find her missing inheritance and solve the mystery of the old clock. This book is a great choice for fans of 'The Mystery at the Dog Show' because it features a young protagonist solving a mystery through clever thinking and detective work.
Learn MoreE.L. Konigsburg
From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
When Claudia runs away to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, she and her brother Jamie get caught up in a mystery involving a missing statue and a wealthy benefactor. This book is a great choice for fans of 'The Mystery at the Dog Show' because it features young protagonists solving a mystery in a unique and interesting setting.
Learn MoreEllen Raskin
The Westing Game
A group of strangers are brought together to solve the mystery of the death of an eccentric millionaire and compete for his fortune in this Newbery Medal-winning novel. Fans of 'The Mystery at the Dog Show' will enjoy the clever twists and turns in this mystery.
Learn MoreE.L. Konigsburg
The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
When Claudia runs away to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, she and her brother Jamie get caught up in a mystery involving a missing statue and a wealthy benefactor. This book is a great choice for fans of 'The Mystery at the Dog Show' because it features young protagonists solving a mystery in a unique and interesting setting.
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