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The Secret Houses cover

John Gardner

The Secret Houses


Part of "Secret Families" series

"The Secret Houses" by John Gardner is a gripping and atmospheric novel that explores the dark secrets of the English countryside. The story follows the lives of several characters, each of whom is connected to a series of old houses that hold deadly secrets. At the heart of the novel is the enigmatic figure of Sir Edward, the owner of the houses, who is haunted by his family's troubled past. As the story unfolds, we learn of the tragic events that have taken place within the walls of the houses, including murders, suicides, and illicit affairs. Gardner's writing is rich and evocative, transporting the reader into the world of the houses and their inhabitants. The author's deep knowledge of English history and folklore adds depth and texture to the story, creating a sense of place that is both haunting and compelling. One of the strengths of "The Secret Houses" is its complex and multi-layered plot. The novel is full of twists and turns, as the various storylines converge and diverge, building to a thrilling and unexpected climax. At its core, "The Secret Houses" is a novel about the power of the past to shape the present. Through its exploration of the lives of the characters and the history of the houses, the novel raises thought-provoking questions about memory, identity, and the nature of truth. Overall, "The Secret Houses" is a masterful work of fiction that will appeal to fans of literary thrillers and historical fiction. Its richly drawn characters, atmospheric setting, and intricate plot make it a standout addition to any reader's bookshelf...

List of books similar to "The Secret Houses":

The Distant Hours cover

Kate Morton

The Distant Hours

Fans of 'The Secret Houses' will enjoy 'The Distant Hours' by Kate Morton. This novel tells the story of three sisters who live in a crumbling estate in the English countryside, and the secrets and lies that have kept them isolated for decades. When a young woman arrives to uncover the truth about her mother's past, she finds herself drawn into a web of family secrets and lies.

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The Forgotten Garden cover

Kate Morton

The Forgotten Garden

Another great choice for fans of 'The Secret Houses' is 'The Forgotten Garden' by Kate Morton. This novel tells the story of a young girl who is abandoned at a train station and grows up in the care of a mysterious woman. Years later, she sets out to uncover the truth about her past and the secrets that have been hidden from her for so long.

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The House at Riverton cover

Kate Morton

The House at Riverton

In 'The House at Riverton', Kate Morton once again explores the secrets and mysteries of a wealthy family and their estate. Set in England between the two World Wars, this novel tells the story of a young housemaid who is drawn into the glamorous world of the family she serves, only to find herself caught up in a web of secrets and lies that will have far-reaching consequences.

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The Little Stranger cover

Sarah Waters

The Little Stranger

Fans of 'The Secret Houses' will enjoy the gothic atmosphere and sense of unease in 'The Little Stranger' by Sarah Waters. This novel tells the story of a country doctor who is called to a crumbling estate to attend to a patient, only to find himself drawn into the world of the family who lives there and the secrets that haunt them.

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The Thirteenth Tale cover

Diane Setterfield

The Thirteenth Tale

Like 'The Secret Houses', 'The Thirteenth Tale' is a novel that explores the power of secrets and the consequences they can have. When a young biographer is asked to write the biography of a reclusive author, she finds herself drawn into a world of secrets and lies that have been hidden for decades.

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The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox cover

Maggie O'Farrell

The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox

Fans of 'The Secret Houses' will enjoy the exploration of family secrets and the consequences they can have in 'The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox' by Maggie O'Farrell. This novel tells the story of a young woman who is released from a mental institution after decades of confinement, and the secrets that are revealed about her family's past.

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