Part of "Den Cooper" series
"A Death to Record" by Rebecca Tope is a gripping and suspenseful addition to the popular series of crime novels featuring protagonist Persimmon "Simmy" Brown. Set in the picturesque English Lake District, the story revolves around Simmy, a skilled flower arranger who becomes embroiled in a series of mysterious and interconnected deaths. Tope masterfully weaves together a complex and intriguing plot, drawing readers into the world of Simmy and her quirky cast of friends and neighbors. The story begins with the death of a local artist, which at first appears to be a tragic accident. However, when Simmy is asked to provide flowers for the funeral, she can't shake the feeling that something is not quite right. As she delves deeper into the circumstances surrounding the artist's death, she uncovers a web of secrets, lies, and hidden connections that ultimately lead to a shocking and unexpected conclusion. One of the strengths of "A Death to Record" is Tope's vivid and evocative descriptions of the Lake District setting. The rugged landscapes, charming villages, and bustling market towns come to life on the page, providing a rich and atmospheric backdrop to the unfolding drama. The characters are equally well-drawn, with Simmy emerging as a sympathetic and relatable heroine who is both intelligent and resourceful. Overall, "A Death to Record" is a highly enjoyable and satisfying read that will keep crime fiction fans on the edge of their seats. With its intricate plot, engaging characters, and evocative setting, it is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a well-crafted mystery. Whether you're a longtime fan of the series or a newcomer to Tope's work, this book is sure to leave you wanting more...
Colin Cotterill
The Coroner's Lunch
Fans of 'A Death to Record' will enjoy this murder mystery set in 1970s Laos. The protagonist, Dr. Siri Paiboun, is a coroner who must solve a series of mysterious deaths, all while navigating the political turmoil of a country in the midst of change. Cotterill's witty and engaging writing style makes this a delightful read.
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The Widow
Readers who enjoyed the domestic drama and psychological tension of 'A Death to Record' will find much to like in this novel. The story follows the widow of a man accused of a horrific crime, as she grapples with the truth about her husband and the secrets she has kept. Barton's sharp writing and surprising twists make this a page-turner.
Learn MoreAlex Grecian
The Yard
Fans of historical mysteries like 'A Death to Record' will enjoy this novel, which is set in Victorian London. The story follows a group of detectives as they investigate a series of grisly murders that seem to be the work of a copycat killer. Grecian's vivid descriptions of the city and its inhabitants make this a rich and immersive read.
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The Surgeon
Readers who enjoyed the forensic focus of 'A Death to Record' will find much to like in this novel, which is the first in the Rizzoli and Isles series. The story follows detective Jane Rizzoli and medical examiner Maura Isles as they investigate a series of murders that seem to be the work of a highly skilled surgeon. Gerritsen's gripping plot and vivid characterizations make this a standout read.
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The Daughter of Time
Fans of historical mysteries like 'A Death to Record' will enjoy this novel, which is a classic of the genre. The story follows detective Alan Grant as he becomes obsessed with solving the mystery of the Princes in the Tower, two young boys who disappeared in medieval England. Tey's clever plotting and vivid characterizations make this a timeless read.
Learn MoreA.S.A. Harrison
The Silent Wife
Readers who enjoyed the domestic drama and psychological tension of 'A Death to Record' will find much to like in this novel. The story follows a couple whose marriage is on the brink of collapse, as they navigate infidelity, addiction, and simmering resentments. Harrison's sharp writing and surprising twists make this a page-turner.
Learn MoreJason Goodwin
The Janissary Tree
Fans of historical mysteries like 'A Death to Record' will enjoy this novel, which is set in 1830s Istanbul. The story follows
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