Part of "Blackford Oakes" series
"Marco Polo, If You Can" by William F. Buckley Jr. is a thrilling and imaginative novel that brings the legendary explorer's travels to life in a unique and captivating way. The story is told from the perspective of a young American named Owen Allison, who finds himself transported back in time to join Marco Polo on his epic journey across the ancient world. Along the way, they encounter a diverse cast of characters, from Mongolian warlords and Chinese mandarins to Venetian merchants and Muslim scholars. Buckley's writing is rich and evocative, transporting readers to a time and place that feels both familiar and exotic. He skillfully weaves historical facts and anecdotes into the narrative, providing a fascinating glimpse into the culture, politics, and society of the medieval world. At its heart, "Marco Polo, If You Can" is a coming-of-age story about a young man discovering his place in the world and learning to appreciate the beauty and diversity of human culture. It is also a testament to the power of curiosity, perseverance, and the human spirit, as Marco Polo and his companions navigate treacherous terrain, overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and forge lasting bonds of friendship and loyalty. Overall, "Marco Polo, If You Can" is a delightful and engaging read that will appeal to fans of historical fiction, adventure stories, and armchair travel. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or an armchair explorer, this book is sure to inspire wanderlust and a sense of wonder at the vast and diverse world we inhabit.
Paulo Coelho
The Alchemist
If you enjoyed the themes of exploration and self-discovery in 'Marco Polo, If You Can', you may also like 'The Alchemist'. This modern classic tells the story of a young Andalusian shepherd who embarks on a journey to find his personal legend, encountering a series of mystical experiences and life lessons along the way.
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The City & the City
For readers who appreciated the sense of otherworldliness and adventure in 'Marco Polo, If You Can', 'The City & The City' offers a similarly imaginative and thought-provoking reading experience. This novel is a detective story set in two fictional European cities that exist in the same physical space but are perceived as separate by their inhabitants.
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The Master of Hestviken
For readers who appreciated the historical detail and character development in 'Marco Polo, If You Can', 'The Master of Hestviken' is a worthy successor. This four-volume series follows the life of a 14th-century Norwegian nobleman, offering a deep dive into the social, political, and religious context of the time.
Learn MoreUmberto Eco
The Name of the Rose
If you enjoyed the intellectual challenges and historical intrigue of 'Marco Polo, If You Can', you'll love 'The Name of the Rose'. This novel is a murder mystery set in a 14th-century Italian monastery, offering a rich tapestry of philosophy, theology, and semiotics alongside its thrilling plot.
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