Part of "Mark Beamon, #1" series
"Rising Phoenix / Storming Heaven" by Kyle Mills is a gripping and thought-provoking thriller that explores the dangerous intersection of politics, technology, and terrorism. The story follows Mark Beamon, a former FBI agent who is called back into action when a group of hackers known as the Phoenix Group threaten to bring down the entire western power grid. As Beamon and his team race against time to prevent the attack, they quickly realize that the Phoenix Group is more sophisticated and dangerous than they could have ever imagined. With the help of a mysterious informant, they begin to uncover a vast conspiracy that reaches the highest levels of government and industry. Mills' writing is sharp and engaging, and he skillfully balances the high-stakes action with well-developed characters and nuanced political commentary. The novel raises important questions about the role of technology in modern society and the potential consequences of unchecked corporate and government power. At its core, "Rising Phoenix / Storming Heaven" is a thrilling and suspenseful story that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. But it is also a thoughtful and provocative exploration of some of the most pressing issues of our time. Whether you are a fan of political thrillers or just looking for a riveting read, this book is sure to deliver.
James Rollins
The Last Oracle
Fans of high-stakes thrillers like 'Rising Phoenix/Storming Heaven' will enjoy 'The Last Oracle' by James Rollins. This book follows a team of scientists and soldiers as they race against time to prevent a global catastrophe.
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The Sum of All Fears
If you're a fan of action-packed thrillers like 'Rising Phoenix/Storming Heaven', you'll love 'The Sum of All Fears' by Tom Clancy. This book follows CIA analyst Jack Ryan as he tries to prevent a nuclear war between the United States and Russia.
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The Innocent
If you enjoyed the fast-paced plot and complex characters of 'Rising Phoenix/Storming Heaven', you'll love 'The Innocent' by David Baldacci. This book follows a former CIA operative who is pulled back into the world of espionage after he is framed for a murder he didn't commit.
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The Matarese Circle
If you enjoyed the intricate plot and international settings of 'Rising Phoenix/Storming Heaven', you'll love 'The Matarese Circle' by Robert Ludlum. This book follows two spies from opposite sides of the Iron Curtain as they team up to take down a secret society that threatens the world.
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The Messenger
For readers who enjoyed the political intrigue and spycraft of 'Rising Phoenix/Storming Heaven', 'The Messenger' by Daniel Silva is a great choice. This book follows a former Israeli spy who is called back into service to track down a mysterious assassin.
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