Part of "Thoroughbred" series
"Wonder's Yearling" by Joanna Campbell is a heartwarming and poignant middle-grade novel that explores the themes of friendship, family, and self-discovery. The story follows the journey of a young girl named Wren, who moves with her family to a remote farm in rural England after the loss of her younger brother. As Wren struggles to adjust to her new life, she finds solace in the company of a wild yearling deer that she names Amara. The two form an unbreakable bond, and Wren's experiences with Amara help her to come to terms with her grief and find a sense of purpose in her new surroundings. However, when Amara is captured by a local hunter, Wren must embark on a dangerous journey to save her friend and protect the fragile bond they share. Along the way, she learns valuable lessons about the power of friendship, the importance of family, and the true meaning of home. Campbell's writing is both lyrical and evocative, transporting readers to the lush and atmospheric English countryside. Her characters are richly drawn and deeply relatable, making for a compelling and engaging read. "Wonder's Yearling" is a beautifully crafted novel that will resonate with readers of all ages. Its themes of love, loss, and redemption are both timely and timeless, making it a must-read for anyone looking for a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant story. With its lush setting, engaging characters, and powerful themes, "Wonder's Yearling" is a standout addition to the canon of middle-grade literature. It is a book that will inspire readers to cherish the bonds they share with those around them, and to never give up on the things that matter most...
Wilson Rawls
Where the Red Fern Grows
This classic tale of a boy and his dogs shares the theme of a deep bond between a child and an animal, similar to Jesse's relationship with Flicka. The novel's focus on perseverance, determination, and the beauty of nature will appeal to fans of 'Wonder's Yearling'.
Learn MoreJean Craighead George
My Side of the Mountain
In this book, a young boy runs away from home to live in the wilderness, much like Jesse in 'Wonder's Yearling'. Both stories explore themes of self-reliance, survival, and the beauty and challenges of nature.
Learn MoreKatherine Paterson
Bridge To Terabithia
Like 'Wonder's Yearling', this book tells the story of a strong friendship between two children that helps them overcome their personal struggles. The magical world of Terabithia, created by the characters, parallels the wild, untamed world of Yearling's horse, Flicka.
Learn MoreMildred D. Taylor
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Set in the 1930s American South, this book shares the theme of growing up and facing adversity, much like Jesse in 'Wonder's Yearling'. The Logan family's fight for justice and equality will resonate with readers who love the strong-willed characters in Campbell's novel.
Learn MoreLois Lowry
The Giver
In a world where memories are controlled, a young boy named Jonas discovers the truth about his society, much like Jesse's journey of self-discovery in 'Wonder's Yearling'. Both books explore themes of growing up, independence, and the importance of memories and experiences.
Learn MoreEric P. Kelly
The Trumpeter of Krakow
This Newbery Medal-winning book tells the story of a family's journey to protect a precious treasure, much like Jesse's quest to protect Flicka in 'Wonder's Yearling'. The novel's focus on history, adventure, and the power of family will appeal to fans of Campbell's novel.
Learn MoreGeorge Selden
The Cricket in Times Square
This heartwarming tale of friendship between a boy and a cricket shares the theme of a deep bond between a child and an animal, similar to Jesse's relationship with Flicka. The novel's focus on adventure, humor, and the beauty of New York City will appeal to fans of 'Wonder's Yearling'.
Learn MoreTheodore Taylor
The Cay
This novel tells the story of a young boy who is shipwrecked on a deserted island with an old West Indian man, much like Jesse's journey of survival in 'Wonder's Yearling'. Both books explore themes of resilience, self-reliance, and the power of human connection.
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This classic tale of a young girl who goes to live in the Swiss Alps shares the theme of a child's journey to find their place in the world, much like Jesse's journey with Flicka in 'Wonder's Yearling'. The novel's focus on nature, adventure, and the power of human kindness will appeal to fans of Campbell's novel.
Learn MoreFrances Hodgson Burnett
The Secret Garden
This novel tells the story of a young girl who discovers a secret garden and brings it back to life, much like Jesse's journey of taming and bonding with Flicka in 'Wonder's Yearling'. Both books explore themes of growth, self-discovery, and the power of nature.
Learn MoreMeindert DeJong
The Wheel on the School
This Newbery Medal-winning book tells the story of a group of children who work together to bring storks back to their Dutch village, much like Jesse's journey of taming and bonding with Flicka in 'Wonder's Yearling'. The novel's focus on community, perseverance, and the beauty of nature will appeal to fans of Campbell's novel.
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