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Basic Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Volume Two cover

Thomas Aquinas

Basic Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Volume Two


Part of "Basic Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas" series

"Basic Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Volume Two" is a comprehensive collection of the works of one of the most influential philosophers and theologians in history. This volume, part of a two-part series, focuses on the philosophical and ethical writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas, providing readers with a broad understanding of his thought. The book is divided into several sections, each dedicated to a specific area of Aquinas's philosophy. These sections include metaphysics, epistemology, natural theology, and ethics. Each section contains several of Aquinas's most important works, such as "Disputed Questions on Truth," "Summa Contra Gentiles," and "Commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics." Aquinas's writing is characterized by his clear and logical style, as well as his ability to synthesize and build upon the ideas of his predecessors. His philosophy is deeply grounded in the Aristotelian tradition, but he also incorporates elements of Neoplatonism and Augustinian thought. One of the key themes that runs throughout Aquinas's work is the idea of the harmony between reason and faith. He argues that reason and faith are not in conflict, but rather that they complement and support one another. This idea is particularly evident in his discussions of natural theology, in which he argues that reason can lead us to knowledge of God's existence and attributes. Another important theme in Aquinas's philosophy is his emphasis on the importance of virtues and the role they play in human flourishing. He argues that virtues are habits that dispose us to act in ways that are conducive to our well-being and happiness. Overall, "Basic Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Volume Two" is an essential resource for anyone interested in the history of philosophy or theology. It provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the thought of one of the most important philosophers of all time, and it is sure to inspire further study and reflection. In conclusion, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in philosophy, theology, or the intellectual history of the Western world. It offers a deep dive into the thought of one of the most important figures in the history of Western philosophy and is sure to provide readers with a newfound appreciation for the power of reason and the importance of virtues.

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The Nicomachean Ethics cover


The Nicomachean Ethics

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The Republic

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