Part of "Time Machine" series
"Sword of Caesar" by Robin Stevenson is a thrilling and engaging young adult historical fiction novel that brings to life the world of ancient Rome. The story follows the journey of a young slave named Marcus, who, after a series of unexpected events, finds himself at the center of a dangerous political plot that threatens the very existence of the Roman Republic. Stevenson's vivid and detailed descriptions of ancient Rome and its political landscape provide an immersive backdrop for the story, allowing readers to feel as if they have been transported back in time. The characters are well-developed and relatable, with Marcus's struggles and growth serving as the heart of the novel. The author also does an excellent job of incorporating historical figures and events into the story, giving readers a glimpse into the realities of life in ancient Rome. One of the standout aspects of "Sword of Caesar" is the way Stevenson handles the topic of slavery. The novel does not shy away from the harsh realities of the institution, but it also shows the complex relationships that can exist between slaves and their owners. Marcus's journey from slavery to freedom is a central theme of the novel, and it is handled with sensitivity and nuance. The pacing of the novel is excellent, with plenty of action and suspense to keep readers engaged. The political intrigue and power struggles of ancient Rome are depicted in a way that is both accessible and exciting for young adult readers. The novel also raises important questions about power, loyalty, and the true cost of freedom. Overall, "Sword of Caesar" is a thrilling and thought-provoking historical fiction novel that will appeal to both young adult readers and adults. Stevenson's vivid world-building, well-developed characters, and nuanced handling of complex themes make this a standout addition to the genre.
Tom Holland
Rubicon: The Last Years of the Roman Republic
This Pulitzer Prize finalist offers an in-depth look at the events leading to the fall of the Roman Republic, providing valuable context for 'Sword of Caesar'. Holland's engaging writing style and thorough research make this a must-read for fans of Roman historical fiction.
Learn MoreLindsey Davis
The Silver Pigs
This mystery novel, set in ancient Rome, follows a detective named Marcus Didius Falco as he investigates a conspiracy involving stolen silver. Fans of 'Sword of Caesar' will enjoy the richly detailed portrayal of ancient Rome and its complex power dynamics.
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The Twelve Caesars
For those looking for a non-fiction account of the lives of the Roman emperors, this classic work by Suetonius is a great choice. The section on Julius Caesar provides valuable context for 'Sword of Caesar' and sheds light on the historical figure behind the fiction.
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