"The Broken Empire" by Mark Lawrence is a dark and gritty fantasy series that follows the anti-hero Jorg Ancrath as he ruthlessly rises to power in a post-apocalyptic world. The series is comprised of four books: "Prince of Thorns," "King of Thorns," "Emperor of Thorns," and "The Liar's Key." In "Prince of Thorns," Jorg is introduced as a young prince who has been hardened by the death of his mother and brother at the hands of his father's enemies. After witnessing the atrocities of war, Jorg forms a band of outlaws and embarks on a quest for revenge and power. As Jorg's empire grows, so does his ruthlessness and cunning, leading him to make difficult and morally ambiguous decisions. "King of Thorns" delves deeper into Jorg's past, revealing the events that shaped him into the man he has become. The novel also introduces new characters and conflicts, as Jorg must navigate the treacherous waters of politics and war. "Emperor of Thorns" sees Jorg's empire at its height, but also at its most vulnerable. As Jorg faces challenges from within and without, he must confront his own demons and decide what kind of man he truly wants to be. "The Liar's Key" is a prequel to the series, following Jorg's father, King Olidan, as he rises to power and sets the stage for the events of the main series. Lawrence's writing is sharp and unapologetic, painting a vivid picture of a world where morality is a luxury and power is the only currency that matters. The series is not for the faint of heart, but for those willing to delve into the darker side of fantasy, "The Broken Empire" is a must-read. Overall, "The Broken Empire" is a thought-provoking and thrilling series that explores themes of power, morality, and the human condition. With its complex characters, intricate plot, and beautiful prose, it is a standout in the fantasy genre.
Joe Abercrombie
The Blade Itself
If you're looking for a new series with a similar tone to 'The Broken Empire', try 'The Blade Itself' by Joe Abercrombie. This book follows Logan Ninefingers, a barbarian warrior with a dark past, as he becomes embroiled in a conspiracy that threatens to destroy the world. With its brutal violence, witty dialogue, and morally ambiguous characters, this book is a great choice for fans of Lawrence's work.
Learn MoreScott Lynch
The Lies of Locke Lamora
If you enjoyed the intricate plotting and complex characters of 'The Broken Empire', you might like 'The Lies of Locke Lamora' by Scott Lynch. This book follows Locke Lamora, a master con artist, as he and his gang of thieves attempt to pull off the biggest heist of their lives. With its sharp wit, memorable characters, and intricate plotting, this book is a must-read for fans of epic fantasy.
Learn MoreJoe Abercrombie
The First Law Trilogy
If you're looking for a gritty and brutal fantasy series similar to 'The Broken Empire', try 'The First Law Trilogy' by Joe Abercrombie. This series follows a cast of morally ambiguous characters as they navigate a world filled with violence, intrigue, and political machinations. With its complex characters, sharp wit, and brutal violence, this series is a must-read for fans of Lawrence's work.
Learn MoreSamantha Shannon
The Priory of the Orange Tree
If you enjoyed the epic world-building and political intrigue of 'The Broken Empire', you might like 'The Priory of the Orange Tree' by Samantha Shannon. This book follows a cast of characters as they navigate a world filled with dragons, magic, and political intrigue. With its complex characters, intricate plotting, and epic world-building, this book is a must-read for fans of epic fantasy.
Learn MoreBrandon Sanderson
The Stormlight Archive
If you enjoyed the epic world-building and complex characters of 'The Broken Empire', you might like 'The Stormlight Archive' by Brandon Sanderson. This series follows a cast of characters as they navigate a world filled with storms, magic, and political intrigue. With its complex characters, intricate plotting, and epic world-building, this series is a must-read for fans of epic fantasy.
Learn MoreScott Lynch
The Gentlemen Bastards
If you're looking for a series with a similar tone to 'The Broken Empire', try 'The Gentlemen Bastards' series by Scott Lynch. This series follows a group of con artists as they pull off elaborate heists and navigate a world filled with danger and adventure. With its sharp wit, memorable characters, and intricate plotting, this series is a must-read for fans of Lawrence's work.
Learn MoreBrian McClellan
The Powder Mage Trilogy
If you enjoyed the gritty and brutal world of 'The Broken Empire', you might like 'The Powder Mage Trilogy' by Brian McClellan. This series follows a cast of characters as they navigate a world filled with gunpowder, magic, and political intrigue. With its complex characters, sharp wit, and brutal violence, this series is a must-read for fans of epic fantasy.
Learn MoreKen Liu
The Dandelion Dynasty
If you're looking for a fantasy series with a unique setting and complex characters, try 'The Dandelion Dynasty' by Ken Liu. This series follows a cast of characters as they navigate a world filled with politics, war, and technology. With its intricate plotting, memorable characters, and unique setting, this series is a must-read for fans of epic fantasy.
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