"The Edge Chronicles" is a series of fantasy books written by Paul Stewart and illustrated by Chris Riddell. The series, which currently spans over a dozen books, is set in a world of floating cities, treacherous cliffs, and mysterious creatures. The books follow the adventures of various characters, including young heroes and villains, as they explore the world of the Edge and uncover its secrets. The stories are filled with action, adventure, and a touch of humor, and are sure to appeal to readers who enjoy fantasy and adventure stories. One of the standout features of the Edge Chronicles is the illustrations by Chris Riddell. His detailed and imaginative drawings bring the world of the Edge to life and add an extra layer of depth and richness to the stories. The illustrations are an integral part of the books, and help to create a fully realized and immersive world. The Edge Chronicles are suitable for readers of all ages, but are likely to be most appealing to middle grade and young adult readers. The series is a great choice for readers who enjoy fantasy worlds and epic adventures, and who are looking for something a little bit different from the typical fare. Overall, the Edge Chronicles are a unique and captivating series that is sure to delight fans of fantasy and adventure. With its imaginative world-building, engaging characters, and stunning illustrations, the series is a must-read for anyone who loves a good story.
Jonathan Stroud
The Bartimaeus Sequence
Fans of Chris Riddell's illustrations in The Edge Chronicles will appreciate the witty and engaging footnotes in Jonathan Stroud's Bartimaeus Sequence. The series follows a young magician's apprentice and his encounters with the sarcastic and cunning djinn, Bartimaeus, as they navigate a world of magic and danger.
Learn MoreGarth Nix
The Old Kingdom series
If you enjoyed the dark and atmospheric world of The Edge Chronicles, you'll love Garth Nix's Old Kingdom series. The series follows a young heroine, Sabriel, as she navigates a world of magic, necromancy, and ancient curses to save her father and protect her kingdom.
Learn MoreRobin Hobb
The Farseer Trilogy
If you enjoyed the political intrigue and complex characters in The Edge Chronicles, Robin Hobb's Farseer Trilogy is a must-read. The series follows the protagonist, FitzChivalry Farseer, as he navigates the treacherous world of court politics and battles the forces of darkness to save his kingdom.
Learn MoreC.S. Lewis
The Chronicles of Narnia
If you enjoyed the imaginative world-building and epic adventure in The Edge Chronicles, C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia is a classic series that you'll love. The series follows a group of children as they discover the magical world of Narnia and battle the forces of darkness to save it.
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