"The Immortalists" by Chloe Benjamin is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that explores the idea of fate and the consequences of knowing when we will die. The story follows the lives of the four Gold children—Simon, Klara, Daniel, and Varya—after they visit a fortune teller who reveals the date of their deaths. The narrative is divided into four sections, each focusing on one of the siblings and their unique journey to confront the prophecy. Simon, the youngest, runs away to San Francisco to escape his fate and finds love and acceptance in the city's vibrant gay community. Klara becomes a magician, using her art to challenge death and bring joy to others. Daniel, a military doctor, becomes obsessed with extending his life, while Varya, a scientist, conducts experiments on aging and longevity. Benjamin's prose is lyrical and evocative, capturing the essence of each character and their struggles. The novel raises philosophical questions about the nature of fate and free will, and whether knowing the date of our death would give us the power to change it or simply make us prisoners of our destiny. The Immortalists is a beautifully written and deeply moving exploration of the human condition, family, love, and loss. It challenges the reader to consider the impact of fate on our lives and the choices we make. This is a must-read for anyone who enjoys literary fiction that delves into the complexities of the human experience.
Neil Gaiman
The Ocean at the End of the Lane
In this magical realist novel, a man returns to his childhood home and is drawn into a world of magic and danger. Fans of 'The Immortalists' will appreciate the exploration of memory, childhood, and the power of imagination.
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The Postmortal
This novel explores a world where a cure for aging has been discovered, leading to a host of societal and ethical issues. Fans of 'The Immortalists' will enjoy the exploration of the consequences of immortality and the impact on human relationships.
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The Brief History of the Dead
In this genre-bending novel, the dead live on in a city until the last person who remembers them dies. Fans of 'The Immortalists' will appreciate the exploration of life, death, and memory, as well as the vividly drawn setting.
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The City & the City
This novel explores a world where two cities exist in the same physical space, but their inhabitants are forbidden from acknowledging each other. Fans of 'The Immortalists' will appreciate the exploration of the boundaries between reality and imagination, as well as the vividly drawn setting.
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The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August
This novel follows Harry August, a man who lives his life over and over again, with the ability to retain his memories. Fans of 'The Immortalists' will appreciate the exploration of fate, free will, and the consequences of immortality.
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The Dream Life of Sukhanov
This novel follows a Soviet art critic, Anatoly Sukhanov, as he navigates the changing political landscape of the Soviet Union and his own personal demons. Fans of 'The Immortalists' will appreciate the exploration of fate, free will, and the consequences of choices.
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