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The Stormlight Archive cover

Brandon Sanderson

The Stormlight Archive

The Stormlight Archive is a high-fantasy epic series written by Brandon Sanderson, best known for his Mistborn books and for completing the Wheel of Time series after Robert Jordan's death. The first three books in the Stormlight Archive—The Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, and Oathbringer—have been published, with at least two more to follow. The series is set in the world of Roshar, where violent storms scour the land and shape its civilization. It follows a vast and diverse cast of characters, including the enigmatic and troubled Kaladin, a surgeon-turned-slave-turned-soldier; Shallan Davar, a light-eyed noblewoman with a knack for forgery and deception; and Dalinar Kholin, a highprince seeking to unite the warring nations of Alethkar against a common enemy. The narrative weaves between their individual stories, building a complex and intricate world filled with political intrigue, deep philosophical questions, and a magic system based on invested magical objects and spren—sentient fragments of Roshar's inherent magic. Sanderson's worldbuilding is unparalleled, creating a rich and immersive universe filled with unique cultures, languages, and mythologies. The series explores themes of leadership, redemption, and the power of human connection, as well as the consequences of war and the importance of understanding one's past. The Stormlight Archive is a must-read for fans of epic fantasy, offering a fresh take on the genre with Sanderson's signature blend of intricate plotting, engaging characters, and breathtaking action sequences. The series is also notable for its Cosmere connections, as it shares a universe with Sanderson's other works, including Mistborn and Elantris. These connections add an extra layer of depth and complexity for dedicated readers, making The Stormlight Archive a rewarding and engaging read for both new and returning Sanderson fans.

List of books similar to "The Stormlight Archive":

The First Law Trilogy cover

Joe Abercrombie

The First Law Trilogy

Like Stormlight Archive, The First Law Trilogy is a high fantasy epic with a sprawling cast of characters, each with their own unique motivations and arcs. The worldbuilding is intricate and immersive, and the action is brutal and uncompromising. Fans of Sanderson's complex plotlines and intricate magic systems will also appreciate Abercrombie's attention to detail and world-building.

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The Gentlemen Bastards Sequence cover

Scott Lynch

The Gentlemen Bastards Sequence

The Gentlemen Bastards Sequence is a fantasy series that, like Stormlight Archive, features a group of protagonists with unique skills and personalities. Fans of Sanderson's character development and action sequences will appreciate Lynch's character-driven storytelling and intricate plotlines. Additionally, the series is known for its intricate magic system and attention to detail.

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The Lightbringer series cover

Brent Weeks

The Lightbringer series

The Lightbringer Series is a fantasy series that, like Stormlight Archive, features a complex magic system and a large cast of characters. Fans of Sanderson's intricate magic systems and action-packed storytelling will appreciate Weeks's world-building and intricate plotlines. Additionally, the series is known for its intricate magic system and attention to detail.

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The Powder Mage Trilogy cover

Brian McClellan

The Powder Mage Trilogy

The Powder Mage Trilogy is a fantasy series that, like Stormlight Archive, features a complex magic system and a large cast of characters. Fans of Sanderson's intricate magic systems and action-packed storytelling will appreciate McClellan's world-building and intricate plotlines. Additionally, the series is known for its intricate magic system and attention to detail.

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The Broken Empire series cover

Mark Lawrence

The Broken Empire series

The Broken Empire Series is a fantasy series that, like Stormlight Archive, features a single viewpoint character who is also a skilled warrior. Fans of Sanderson's character development and action sequences will appreciate Lawrence's character-driven storytelling and intricate plotlines. Additionally, the series is known for its intricate magic system and attention to detail.

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