"The Summer Cottage" by Viola Shipman is a heartwarming and poignant novel that explores the power of family, love, and the memories that bind us together. The story follows Adeline Ainsworth, a successful lawyer who has always put her career first, neglecting her family's summer cottage on the shores of Lake Michigan in the process. When Adeline's grandmother, Lolly, passes away, she leaves the summer cottage to Adeline, along with a list of tasks that she must complete before she can sell it. As Adeline begins to work her way through Lolly's list, she discovers a hidden room in the cottage that contains a series of letters and mementos from her family's past. Through these letters, Adeline learns about her grandmother's own struggles and triumphs, as well as those of her mother and great-grandmother. As she delves deeper into her family's history, Adeline begins to understand the importance of the cottage and the memories that were created there. Shipman's writing is rich and evocative, bringing the summer cottage and the Michigan shoreline to life in vivid detail. The characters are well-drawn and relatable, and the story is both engaging and thought-provoking. At its heart, "The Summer Cottage" is a celebration of the ties that bind us to our families and our past, and a reminder of the importance of cherishing the memories we make along the way. Readers who enjoy novels that explore family dynamics, the power of memory, and the beauty of the natural world will find much to love in "The Summer Cottage." With its compelling storyline, engaging characters, and beautiful writing, it is a novel that is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Susan Wiggs
The Ocean Between Us
Fans of 'The Summer Cottage' will enjoy this emotional and uplifting story about the healing power of love and the sea. The novel follows two estranged siblings who inherit their father's cottage on the Washington coast and must come to terms with their past and learn to trust each other again.
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The Light Between Oceans
Fans of 'The Summer Cottage' will enjoy this emotional and thought-provoking novel about love, morality, and the power of the sea. The story follows a lighthouse keeper and his wife who make a decision that will change their lives forever.
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The Sea Keeper's Daughters
Fans of 'The Summer Cottage' will enjoy this emotional and uplifting story about the healing power of family, faith, and the sea. The novel follows two estranged sisters who inherit their father's cottage on the Outer Banks of North Carolina and must come to terms with their past and learn to trust each other again.
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The Sea
Fans of 'The Summer Cottage' will enjoy this lyrical and meditative novel about memory, loss, and the power of the sea. The story follows an elderly man who returns to the seaside town of his childhood and reflects on the events that shaped his life.
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