The Hunger Games is a gripping dystopian trilogy by Suzanne Collins, consisting of three books: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay. Set in the nation of Panem, the story follows 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, a skilled hunter from the impoverished District 12. In a post-apocalyptic world, Katniss volunteers to take part in the annual Hunger Games, a brutal televised event where young representatives from each district must fight to the death until only one survivor remains. The series explores themes of survival, rebellion, and the human spirit's resilience against oppressive regimes. Throughout the trilogy, Katniss evolves from a reluctant participant to a symbol of hope and revolution, inspiring her fellow citizens to challenge the Capitol's tyranny. The Hunger Games trilogy is a thrilling and thought-provoking read, appealing to both young adults and adults with its complex characters, intricate plot, and timely social commentary...
James Dashner
The Maze Runner
Just like 'The Hunger Games', 'The Maze Runner' is a dystopian novel that features a strong-willed protagonist who must navigate a dangerous and confusing world. In this series, a group of boys are trapped in a maze and must use their wits and teamwork to escape.
Learn MoreVeronica Roth
In 'Divergent', readers will find many of the same themes and elements that they loved in 'The Hunger Games'. The story is set in a dystopian society, where people are divided into factions based on their personality traits. The protagonist, Tris, must navigate this world and discover the truth about her own identity.
Learn MoreLois Lowry
The Giver
Like 'The Hunger Games', 'The Giver' is a dystopian novel that explores themes of societal control and individual freedom. In this classic novel, a young boy named Jonas is selected to be the Receiver of Memory, and must learn about the true history of his society.
Learn MoreJoelle Charbonneau
The Testing
Fans of 'The Hunger Games' will enjoy 'The Testing', a dystopian novel that features a competition in which young people must prove their worth in order to secure a place in society. The protagonist, Cia, must use her intelligence and determination to survive.
Learn MoreScott Westerfeld
In 'Uglies', readers will find many of the same themes and elements that they loved in 'The Hunger Games'. The story is set in a future society where people are divided into categories based on their looks. The protagonist, Tally, must navigate this world and discover the truth about her own identity.
Learn MoreKiera Cass
The Selection
Fans of 'The Hunger Games' will enjoy 'The Selection', a dystopian novel that features a competition in which young people must prove their worth in order to secure a place in society. The protagonist, America, must use her intelligence and determination to survive.
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The Darkest Minds
Fans of 'The Hunger Games' will enjoy 'The Darkest Minds', a dystopian novel that features a competition in which young people must prove their worth in order to survive. The protagonist, Ruby, must use her intelligence and determination to navigate a world where children with special abilities are feared and hunted.
Learn MoreNancy Farmer
The House of the Scorpion
Like 'The Hunger Games', 'The House of the Scorpion' is a dystopian novel that explores themes of societal control and individual freedom. In this novel, a young boy named Matt is raised as the clone of a powerful drug lord and must navigate a world where his very existence is illegal.
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