Discover books similar to "Mistborn" series

Mistborn series cover

Brandon Sanderson

"Mistborn" series


The Mistborn series, penned by bestselling author Brandon Sanderson, is an enthralling high-fantasy saga that captivates readers with its intricate plotlines, complex characters, and innovative magical system. Set in the dark, ash-covered world of Scadrial, the story follows a group of thieves and rebels known as the "Mistborn" as they attempt to overthrow the oppressive Final Empire and its tyrannical ruler, the Lord Ruler. The series consists of three main arcs: The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension, and The Hero of Ages, each delving deeper into the world's rich history and exploring themes of power, corruption, and redemption. Sanderson's unique magic system, known as Allomancy, allows characters to consume and "burn" specific metals to gain extraordinary abilities, adding a thrilling and strategic element to the narrative. Mistborn is celebrated for its intricate storytelling, engaging characters, and thought-provoking themes, making it a must-read for fans of epic fantasy and Brandon Sanderson's work. The series offers a refreshing take on the genre and solidifies Sanderson's reputation as a master of world-building and character development...

Books in series:

List of books similar to "Mistborn" series:

The Lies of Locke Lamora cover

Scott Lynch

The Lies of Locke Lamora

Fans of Mistborn's blend of magic, adventure, and humor will enjoy this fantasy heist novel. The Lies of Locke Lamora follows a group of con artists as they pull off elaborate schemes in a corrupt and dangerous city.

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The Name of the Wind cover

Patrick Rothfuss

The Name of the Wind

If you enjoyed the complex world-building and character development in Mistborn, you'll love The Name of the Wind. This epic fantasy follows the story of Kvothe, a legendary musician, magician, and hero, as he recounts his life story.

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The Final Empire cover

Brandon Sanderson

The Final Empire

If you enjoyed the first book in the Mistborn series, you'll want to continue on with the rest of the trilogy. The Final Empire sets the stage for a epic fantasy journey filled with magic, political intrigue, and a group of unlikely heroes.

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The Well of Ascension cover

Brandon Sanderson

The Well of Ascension

The second book in the Mistborn series continues the story of Vin and Elend as they navigate the treacherous politics of the Final Empire. With new threats emerging and old enemies returning, the Well of Ascension is a can't-miss sequel.

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The Hero of Ages cover

Brandon Sanderson

The Hero of Ages

The thrilling conclusion to the Mistborn trilogy, The Hero of Ages brings the story of Vin and Elend to a satisfying and action-packed end. With new revelations about the world and its magic, this is a must-read for any fan of the series.

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The Blade Itself cover

Joe Abercrombie

The Blade Itself

For fans of Mistborn's gritty realism and morally ambiguous characters, The Blade Itself is a great choice. This grimdark fantasy follows a cast of brutal and cunning warriors as they navigate a world on the brink of war.

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The First Law Trilogy cover

Joe Abercrombie

The First Law Trilogy

If you couldn't get enough of The Blade Itself, be sure to check out the rest of Joe Abercrombie's First Law trilogy. With its intricate plotting, memorable characters, and brutal action, this series is a must-read for fans of grimdark fantasy.

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The Powder Mage Trilogy cover

Brian McClellan

The Powder Mage Trilogy

Fans of Mistborn's unique magic system will enjoy the Powder Mage trilogy, which features a similar system based on gunpowder. With its fast-paced action and political intrigue, this series is a great choice for fans of epic fantasy.

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The Gentlemen Bastards Sequence cover

Scott Lynch

The Gentlemen Bastards Sequence

If you enjoyed the humor and camaraderie in Mistborn, you'll love the Gentlemen Bastards Sequence. This series follows a group of con artists as they pull off elaborate heists and schemes in a fantasy world filled with danger and adventure.

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The Stormlight Archive cover

Brandon Sanderson

The Stormlight Archive

If you can't get enough of Brandon Sanderson's writing, be sure to check out his epic fantasy series The Stormlight Archive. With its complex plotting, memorable characters, and intricate world-building, this series is a must-read for fans of high fantasy.

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