Discover books similar to "Unwind" series

Unwind series cover

Neal Shusterman

"Unwind" series


"Unwind" is a thought-provoking and dystopian young adult series by Neal Shusterman. Set in a future society where parents can choose to have their children "unwound" – a process in which the child's organs are harvested and transplanted into others – the story follows three teenagers who narrowly escape this fate and embark on a dangerous journey. As they navigate through this divided world, they confront moral dilemmas and grapple with the concept of identity. The series explores themes of life, choice, and responsibility, challenging readers to question the value of human life and the consequences of our decisions. Shusterman's vivid storytelling and compelling characters make "Unwind" a captivating and thought-provoking read for both young adults and adults alike...

Books in series:

List of books similar to "Unwind" series:

The Giver cover

Lois Lowry

The Giver

In a world with no poverty, crime, or sickness, twelve-year-old Jonas is chosen to be the community’s Receiver of Memories. As Jonas uncovers the truth about the community’s past, he must decide whether to reveal it to others or remain silent. Like Unwind, this book explores a dystopian society and raises ethical questions about the value of human life.

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Feed cover

M.T. Anderson


In a future where people connect to the internet via a device implanted in their brain, Titus and his friends go on the ultimate spring break vacation. However, their hedonistic lifestyle is interrupted when they meet Violet, a girl who makes them question the world they live in. This book, like Unwind, presents a chilling depiction of a possible future and challenges societal norms.

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The Adoration of Jenna Fox cover

Mary E. Pearson

The Adoration of Jenna Fox

After a car accident leaves her in a coma, Jenna Fox wakes up to find that her body has been reconstructed using nanotechnology. As she struggles to understand her new reality, she must also come to terms with the secrets her parents have kept from her. This book, like Unwind, explores the ethical implications of advanced medical technology and what it means to be human.

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Uglies cover

Scott Westerfeld


In a world where everyone is turned “pretty” at the age of sixteen, Tally is eager to undergo the surgery. However, when she meets Shay, a girl who doesn’t want to conform to society’s expectations, Tally begins to question the cost of beauty. This book, like Unwind, presents a dystopian society that forces its citizens to conform to a certain standard.

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The Maze Runner cover

James Dashner

The Maze Runner

Thomas wakes up in a glade with no memory of how he got there, except for his name. Surrounded by walls that change every night, Thomas and the other Gladers must find a way to escape the maze before it’s too late. Like Unwind, this book features a group of teenagers fighting to survive in a dangerous world.

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Divergent cover

Veronica Roth


In a society divided into five factions, Beatrice must choose where she belongs. However, when she takes a test that reveals she is Divergent, she becomes a target of the government. Like Unwind, this book explores a dystopian society and the consequences of challenging the status quo.

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The Hunger Games cover

Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games

In a future where the Capitol controls the districts of Panem, sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her sister’s place in the Hunger Games, a televised fight to the death. Like Unwind, this book features a strong female protagonist fighting to survive in a dangerous world.

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Ender’s Game cover

Orson Scott Card

Ender’s Game

In a future where Earth is at war with an alien race, six-year-old Ender Wiggin is recruited to attend Battle School, where he is trained to become a military leader. Like Unwind, this book explores the consequences of war and the moral complexities of advanced technology.

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The Giver of Stars cover

Jojo Moyes

The Giver of Stars

Set in Depression-era America, five women form a traveling library to bring books to people living in the Appalachian Mountains. Like Unwind, this book explores the power of books to change lives and the importance of community.

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