The Hercule Poirot series, penned by the renowned mystery writer Agatha Christie, features the brilliant and eccentric Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot. The series spans several decades and includes numerous captivating novels and short story collections. Poirot, a former police officer, is known for his distinctive mustache, fastidious nature, and extraordinary powers of observation. He uses his "little grey cells" to unravel complex mysteries and unmask killers, often outsmarting the authorities in the process. The series includes iconic titles such as "The Mysterious Affair at Styles," "Murder on the Orient Express," and "Death on the Nile." Christie's clever plot twists, engaging characters, and masterful storytelling have made the Hercule Poirot series a classic in the detective fiction genre...
Dorothy L. Sayers
The Nine Tailors
This Lord Peter Wimsey mystery features a complex plot involving a series of murders, a stolen jewel, and a complicated family history. Like Poirot, Wimsey is a brilliant detective with a unique personality.
Learn MoreAlex Michaelides
The Silent Patient
Fans of Poirot's psychological insights will enjoy this psychological thriller about a woman who refuses to speak after allegedly murdering her husband. The Silent Patient features a twisty plot and complex characters.
Learn MoreEllen Raskin
The Westing Game
This young adult mystery features a group of strangers who are brought together to solve a murder and claim a fortune. The Westing Game is a clever and engaging whodunit with a diverse cast of characters.
Learn MoreAgatha Christie
Murder on the Orient Express
Just like in Hercule Poirot series, this book is a classic murder mystery with a clever twist. The story takes place on a train, where Poirot must solve a murder with a limited set of suspects.
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The Hound of the Baskervilles
Fans of Poirot will enjoy this Sherlock Holmes novel, as it features a similar detective solving a mysterious crime. The Hound of the Baskervilles is a classic whodunit with a supernatural twist.
Learn MoreDorothy L. Sayers
Gaudy Night
This Lord Peter Wimsey mystery features an intelligent female detective, Harriet Vane, who partners with Wimsey to solve a series of crimes at an Oxford women's college. Like Poirot, Wimsey is a brilliant detective with a unique personality.
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The Big Sleep
Fans of Poirot's clever detective work will enjoy this hard-boiled mystery featuring private investigator Philip Marlowe. The Big Sleep is a classic noir novel with a complex plot and memorable characters.
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The Daughter of Time
This novel features a detective, Alan Grant, who becomes fascinated with the historical mystery of Richard III and the Princes in the Tower. Like Poirot, Grant uses his intelligence and deductive reasoning to solve the case.
Learn MoreDashiell Hammett
The Thin Man
This witty and sophisticated mystery features a retired detective, Nick Charles, and his socialite wife, Nora, who become embroiled in a murder investigation. The Thin Man is a classic whodunit with memorable characters and sharp dialogue.
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The Moonstone
This classic mystery novel is considered one of the first detective novels in the English language. The Moonstone features a complex plot involving a stolen diamond, a group of suspects, and a clever detective who must solve the case. Fans of Poirot will enjoy the intricate plotting and clever twists.
Learn MoreAgatha Christie
The Seven Dials Mystery
This standalone mystery novel by Agatha Christie features a group of amateur detectives who must solve a series of murders connected to a mysterious clock tower in London. Fans of Hercule Poirot will enjoy the clever plotting and twists in this classic whodunit.
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