Fablehaven is an enchanting and captivating middle-grade fantasy series by bestselling author Brandon Mull. The story revolves around siblings Kendra and Seth Sorenson, who discover their grandparents' preserve, Fablehaven, is a refuge for magical creatures. As they uncover the secrets of their grandparents' estate, they must protect it from dark forces threatening to destroy the hidden world of mythical beings. Throughout the series, readers are introduced to a diverse cast of magical creatures, from fairies and nymphs to trolls and dragons. Kendra and Seth's adventures are filled with suspense, humor, and heartwarming moments, as they learn valuable lessons about friendship, family, and the importance of good versus evil. Fablehaven is an engaging and imaginative series that will captivate young readers and spark their curiosity about the magical world that lies just beyond our own. With its intricate plotlines, memorable characters, and stunning settings, Fablehaven is a must-read for fans of fantasy and adventure. The series consists of five books, providing hours of entertainment and a richly developed magical universe to explore...
Tony DiTerlizzi, Holly Black
The Spiderwick Chronicles
Explore the world of magical creatures in the Spiderwick Chronicles, a series that will appeal to fans of Fablehaven. This series follows the Grace siblings as they discover a field guide to the fantastical creatures that live in their new home.
Learn MoreMary Pope Osborne
The Magic Tree House Series
If you enjoyed the magical elements of Fablehaven, you'll love the Magic Tree House series. This series follows siblings Jack and Annie as they discover a magical tree house that takes them on adventures through time and space.
Learn MoreEoin Colfer
Artemis Fowl
Fans of Fablehaven who enjoy stories about magical creatures and secret societies will love Artemis Fowl. This series follows the adventures of a 12-year-old criminal mastermind as he interacts with fairies and other magical creatures.
Learn MoreChristopher Healy
The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom
Fans of Fablehaven who enjoy stories about magical creatures and heroes will love The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom. This series follows the adventures of four princes as they try to live up to their titles and save their kingdoms.
Learn MoreLisa McMann
The Unwanteds
Fans of Fablehaven who enjoy stories about magical worlds and secret societies will love The Unwanteds. This series follows the adventures of Alex and Aaron Stowe as they navigate the world of Artime, a land where magic is forbidden.
Learn MoreSarah Prineas
The Magic Thief
If you enjoyed the magical elements of Fablehaven, you'll love The Magic Thief. This series follows the adventures of Conn, a young thief, as he discovers the magical world of Wellmet and becomes an apprentice to a powerful magician.
Learn MoreKazu Kibuishi
The Amulet series
Fans of Fablehaven who enjoy stories about magical creatures and adventures will love The Amulet Series. This series follows the adventures of Emily and Navin as they discover a magical amulet and navigate the world of Alledia.
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