"Beastly" and "The Kendra Chronicles" are captivating young adult series by acclaimed author Alex Flinn. In "Beastly," a modern retelling of the classic fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast," the story follows Kyle Kingsbury, a popular and arrogant teenager who is transformed into a hideous creature by a witch. The novel explores themes of vanity, self-discovery, and love as Kyle learns to see beyond appearances and embrace his true self. "The Kendra Chronicles" is a spellbinding series that weaves together various fairy tales and mythological creatures in a contemporary setting. The series follows Kendra, a 16-year-old girl who discovers she is a reincarnated mythological figure with the ability to transform into different animals. Throughout the series, Kendra navigates her newfound powers, encounters various mythical beings, and uncovers the truth about her past lives. Both series showcase Flinn's ability to create engaging and relatable characters while incorporating elements of fantasy and mythology. The books are perfect for readers who enjoy modern twists on classic fairy tales and stories that explore the complexities of growing up and self-acceptance...