The Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost is a captivating paranormal romance collection that follows the adventures of Cat Crawfield, a half-vampire, half-human protagonist. Cat, also known as the "Night Huntress," teams up with the enigmatic and powerful vampire Bones to form an unstoppable duo. Together, they battle various supernatural threats, including rogue vampires, dark sorcerers, and even gods. The series explores themes of love, loyalty, and redemption as Cat and Bones navigate their complex relationship while fighting to protect both human and vampire societies. With a blend of action, suspense, and humor, the Night Huntress series delivers a thrilling reading experience for fans of urban fantasy and paranormal romance. Throughout the series, readers can expect to encounter a richly developed world filled with intriguing characters, dangerous liaisons, and unexpected twists. The series consists of nine main novels, as well as several spin-off series and novellas, providing a vast and immersive universe for fans to explore. The Night Huntress series is an engaging and entertaining read for those who enjoy strong female leads, supernatural intrigue, and a touch of romance in their literature...
Jeaniene Frost
Halfway to the Grave
The first book in the Night Huntress series, where we are introduced to the world of vampires and night hunters. Our protagonist, Cat Crawfield, is half-vampire and half-human, and she uses her unique abilities to hunt down the undead. This book is a great choice for fans of the Night Huntress series who want to explore more of Jeaniene Frost's vampire world.
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At Grave's End
The third book in the Night Huntress series, where Cat and her husband Bones must face their biggest threat yet: a villain who wants to destroy all supernatural beings. This book is a great choice for fans of Night Huntress who want to see Cat and Bones take on a formidable foe and continue to develop their relationship.
Learn MoreCharlaine Harris
The Southern Vampire Mysteries
A series of books that inspired the hit TV show True Blood, The Southern Vampire Mysteries follows Sookie Stackhouse, a telepathic waitress who falls in love with a vampire. This series is a great choice for fans of Night Huntress who want to explore more of the world of vampires and their relationships with humans.
Learn MoreLaurell K. Hamilton
Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter
A series of books that follows Anita Blake, a vampire hunter and necromancer who must navigate the world of supernatural creatures in St. Louis. This series is a great choice for fans of Night Huntress who want to explore more of the world of vampires and their relationships with humans, as well as the complexities of being a female protagonist in a male-dominated world.
Learn MorePatricia Briggs
The Mercy Thompson series
A series of books that follows Mercy Thompson, a shapeshifter who runs a garage in Tri-Cities, Washington. This series is a great choice for fans of Night Huntress who want to explore more of the urban fantasy genre, with a strong female protagonist and a blend of supernatural creatures.
Learn MoreKevin Hearne
The Iron Druid Chronicles
A series of books that follows Atticus O'Sullivan, a 2,000-year-old Druid who must navigate the modern world while also dealing with various supernatural creatures. This series is a great choice for fans of Night Huntress who want to explore more of the urban fantasy genre, with a blend of humor, action, and mythology.
Learn MoreKaren Marie Moning
The Fever series
A series of books that follows MacKayla Lane, a young woman who must navigate the world of the Fae in Dublin, Ireland. This series is a great choice for fans of Night Huntress who want to explore more of the urban fantasy genre, with a strong female protagonist and a blend of supernatural creatures and mythology.
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