Discover books similar to "Temeraire" series

Temeraire series cover

Naomi Novik

"Temeraire" series


The Temeraire series, penned by Naomi Novik, is an enthralling sequence of historical fantasy novels that reimagines the Napoleonic Wars with the inclusion of dragons. The story follows Captain William Laurence, a seasoned naval officer, who unexpectedly becomes the master of a rare and intelligent dragon named Temeraire. As the two develop a deep bond, they join the Aerial Corps, a division of the British military that employs dragons and their handlers in combat. Together, they navigate the treacherous skies of battle, facing adversaries both human and draconic, while challenging societal norms and forging their own path. The series combines elements of history, fantasy, and adventure, offering a unique and captivating narrative that appeals to readers of all ages. Novik's richly detailed world-building and intricate character development bring the story to life, making the Temeraire series a must-read for fans of epic fantasy and alternate history...

Books in series:

List of books similar to "Temeraire" series:

His Majesty's Dragon cover

Naomi Novik

His Majesty's Dragon

If you enjoyed the first book in the Temeraire series, you'll want to read the rest of the series. His Majesty's Dragon sets the stage for the alternate history of the Napoleonic Wars, where dragons and their aviators fight for England.

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Throne of Jade cover

Naomi Novik

Throne of Jade

In the second book of the Temeraire series, Laurence and Temeraire travel to China, where they become embroiled in the country's political struggles. This book offers a deeper look into the world of dragons and their place in society.

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Black Powder War cover

Naomi Novik

Black Powder War

The third book in the Temeraire series finds Laurence and Temeraire on a mission to purchase precious dragon eggs in Turkey. The duo must navigate treacherous political waters while also dealing with the challenges of transporting live dragons.

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The Goblin Emperor cover

Katherine Addison

The Goblin Emperor

If you enjoyed the political intrigue and complex characters in the Temeraire series, you'll love The Goblin Emperor. This standalone novel follows a half-goblin, half-elf prince who is unexpectedly thrust onto the throne and must navigate the treacherous waters of court politics.

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The Fifth Season cover

N.K. Jemisin

The Fifth Season

If you enjoyed the world-building and imaginative setting of the Temeraire series, you'll be blown away by The Fifth Season. This novel is set in a world where natural disasters are a constant threat, and follows a group of characters as they navigate a society on the brink of collapse.

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The City & the City cover

China Miéville

The City & the City

If you enjoyed the alternate history and imaginative premise of the Temeraire series, you'll love The City & The

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