The Princess Diaries is a popular and engaging book series written by Meg Cabot. The series follows the life of Mia Thermopolis, an ordinary teenage girl living in New York City who discovers she is the heir to the Genovian throne. As she navigates the challenges of adolescence, Mia must also learn to cope with her newfound royal status, which includes lessons in etiquette, diplomacy, and fashion. The series combines humor, romance, and drama, making it an appealing choice for young readers. With relatable characters and relatable situations, The Princess Diaries explores themes of self-discovery, friendship, and the complexities of growing up while balancing responsibilities. The series consists of 11 main novels, as well as several spin-offs and companion stories, providing readers with ample opportunities to follow Mia's journey and growth...
Kiera Cass
The Selection
In a dystopian future, America Singer, a young artist from a lower caste, is chosen to compete in the Selection, a reality TV-style competition to win the heart of Prince Maxon and become the next queen. Fans of The Princess Diaries will enjoy this series for its blend of romance, drama, and political intrigue, as well as its strong, relatable female protagonist.
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Anne of Green Gables
This classic novel tells the story of Anne Shirley, an 11-year-old orphan who is sent to live with siblings Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert on their farm in Prince Edward Island. Anne's vivid imagination, love of learning, and penchant for getting into scrapes will appeal to fans of The Princess Diaries, as will her growth into a confident and independent young woman.
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The Luxe
Set in the Gilded Age of New York City, this historical fiction series follows the lives of five young women from different social classes as they navigate love, ambition, and betrayal. Fans of The Princess Diaries will enjoy the glamorous setting, intricate plotting, and strong female characters.
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The Truth About Forever
This contemporary novel follows 16-year-old Macy as she grapples with the loss of her father and her own insecurities. When she takes a summer job at a catering company, she meets a diverse group of people who help her learn to embrace life and love again. Fans of The Princess Diaries will appreciate the relatable characters, witty dialogue, and heartfelt emotions in this book.
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The Summer I Turned Pretty
This coming-of-age novel follows Belly, a 15-year-old girl who spends every summer at her family's beach house with her mother and brother. As she navigates her feelings for two brothers, Conrad and Jeremiah, she learns about love, friendship, and growing up. Fans of The Princess Diaries will enjoy the summer setting, relatable characters, and heartfelt emotions in this book.
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The Royal We
This contemporary novel tells the story of American student Bex Porter, who falls in love with Prince Nicholas of Wales while studying abroad. As they navigate their relationship and the pressures of royal life, they must confront their own insecurities and the expectations of those around them. Fans of The Princess Diaries will enjoy the glamorous setting, relatable characters, and witty dialogue in this book.
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