The Luxe series by Anna Godbersen is a captivating historical fiction series set in the opulent world of New York City's Gilded Age. The story follows the lives of five young women from different social backgrounds as they navigate love, ambition, and betrayal in a city teeming with glamour and deception. The series comprises five books: The Luxe, Rumors, Envy, Splendor, and Glitter. The first book, The Luxe, introduces the main characters and sets the stage for the ensuing drama. Readers are immediately immersed in the luxurious lifestyle of the wealthy elite, while also catching glimpses of the darker secrets hidden beneath the surface. The storylines intertwine as the characters' lives become increasingly interconnected, leading to a shocking climax that leaves readers eager for more. Throughout the series, Godbersen masterfully explores themes of class, power, and the consequences of one's actions. The richly detailed settings and historically accurate depictions of the Gilded Age transport readers to a time of grandeur and intrigue. The Luxe series is a must-read for fans of historical fiction, romance, and drama, offering a captivating glimpse into the lives of those who lived in New York City during one of its most fascinating eras...
Brit Bennett
The Vanishing Half
If you're interested in exploring issues of identity and social class, as in the Luxe series, The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett is a powerful and thought-provoking novel. The story follows the lives of twin sisters who grow up in a small, Southern Black community and eventually choose very different paths. One sister passes as white and starts a new life in a predominantly white town, while the other remains in their hometown and marries a Black man. As the sisters' lives intersect and diverge over the years, the novel raises complex questions about race, family, and the meaning of home.
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The Summer Wives
For readers who enjoy the beachside setting and romantic entanglements of the Luxe series, The Summer Wives by Beatriz Williams is a captivating novel set on a fictional island off the coast of New England in the 1950s. The story follows the lives of two women from different social classes who become entwined in a web of secrets, lies, and betrayal. With its vivid characters, lush prose, and evocative setting, The Summer Wives is a must-read for historical fiction fans.
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