The Song of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce is a captivating quartet of young adult fantasy novels that follows the journey of Alanna of Trebond, a courageous and determined young woman who defies societal norms to become a knight in the kingdom of Tortall. The series, consisting of Alanna: The First Adventure, In the Hand of the Goddess, The Woman Who Rides Like a Man, and Lioness Rampant, takes readers on a thrilling adventure filled with magic, action, and self-discovery. In this coming-of-age tale, Alanna disguises herself as a boy to train as a knight, while her twin brother, Thom, pursues a magical education. Throughout the series, Alanna encounters various challenges and triumphs, from learning the art of swordplay and magic to navigating political intrigue and forging deep friendships. Along the way, she discovers her own inner strength and the true meaning of heroism. Tamora Pierce's richly detailed world-building and engaging characters have captivated readers for decades, making the Song of the Lioness series a beloved and influential contribution to the fantasy genre. This series is perfect for fans of strong female protagonists, magical adventures, and captivating storytelling...
Tamora Pierce
Alanna: The First Adventure
If you enjoyed the 'Song of the Lioness' series and are looking for more adventures with Alanna, this is the perfect book to start with. It's the first book in the series and introduces Alanna as she disguises herself as a boy to train as a knight.
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In the Hand of the Goddess
The second book in the 'Song of the Lioness' series, this book follows Alanna as she continues her training and faces new challenges, including a magical duel and a tempting offer from the God of Thieves.
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The Woman Who Rides Like a Man
The third book in the 'Song of the Lioness' series, this book sees Alanna leaving the palace to live as a lady in the countryside. However, she quickly becomes embroiled in the politics and dangers of the borderlands.
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Lioness Rampant
The final book in the 'Song of the Lioness' series, this book follows Alanna as she sets out on a quest to find four magical items and save the kingdom from destruction.
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First Test
The first book in the 'Protector of the Small' series, this book introduces Kel as she begins her training as a page at the royal palace. It's a great choice if you want to read more about Kel's journey to becoming a knight.
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The second book in the 'Protector of the Small' series, this book follows Kel as she continues her training as a page and faces new challenges, including bullies and prejudice from her fellow pages.
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Lady Knight
The final book in the 'Protector of the Small' series, this book follows Kel as she becomes a knight and takes on the responsibility of protecting the realm from various threats.
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The Blue Sword
If you enjoyed the 'Song of the Lioness' series and want to read more about a young woman becoming a warrior in a fantasy setting, this book is a great choice. It follows Harry, a young woman who is taken to a foreign land and becomes a heroine in their war against an invading army.
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The Hero and the Crown
This book is a prequel to 'The Blue Sword' and follows Aerin, a young woman who becomes a heroine in her own right as she battles dragons and other threats to her kingdom.
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