The Eon series, penned by Alison Goodman, is a captivating and imaginative blend of fantasy and adventure. Set in an ancient and mystical world, the story follows the journey of Eon, a young dragoneye who has the unique ability to connect with a powerful dragon. In this intricate and richly-detailed universe, dragoneyes possess the power to harness the energy of their respective dragons, and they are responsible for maintaining the delicate balance between the natural elements. The series comprises two enthralling novels, Eon: Dragoneye Reborn and Eon: The Last Dragoneye. In the first installment, Eon, disguised as a boy, is chosen as a Dragoneye apprentice, but must navigate treacherous political intrigues and uncover dangerous secrets to secure their place. The second book delves deeper into the complexities of this fantastical world, as Eon faces new challenges and adversaries, ultimately revealing the truth about their identity and the future of their world. Goodman's Eon series is a must-read for fans of epic fantasy, showcasing intricate world-building, engaging characters, and a thrilling narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The series explores themes of identity, courage, and the struggle for power, making it a compelling and thought-provoking read for both young adults and adults alike...
Katherine Addison
The Goblin Emperor
This political fantasy novel follows a half-goblin, half-human prince who unexpectedly becomes emperor. Readers of Eon will appreciate the intricate court politics and the protagonist's journey to self-acceptance.
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The Poppy War
A brutal and immersive fantasy novel, The Poppy War follows a young war orphan who enters an elite military academy. Fans of Eon will enjoy the intricate plotting, epic battles, and exploration of identity and power.
Learn MoreUrsula K. Le Guin
The Left Hand of Darkness
A groundbreaking work of science fiction, this novel explores a society where individuals are ambisexual, shifting between male and female states. Eon readers will appreciate the rich worldbuilding and exploration of gender in this classic novel.
Learn MoreSamantha Shannon
The Priory of the Orange Tree
A sweeping epic fantasy that spans different continents and cultures, this novel follows a diverse cast of characters as they navigate political intrigue, dragon-slaying, and forbidden love. Fans of Eon will enjoy the rich worldbuilding and exploration of gender and power.
Learn MoreN.K. Jemisin
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms
This fantasy novel follows a young woman who is thrust into the center of a political struggle for control of the kingdoms. Readers of Eon will appreciate the intricate worldbuilding, exploration of power dynamics, and complex characters.
Learn MoreN.K. Jemisin
The City We Became
This urban fantasy novel follows a diverse cast of characters as they become avatars for their city and fight to protect it from an ancient evil. Fans of Eon will appreciate the intricate worldbuilding, exploration of identity and power, and diverse cast of characters.
Learn MoreN.K. Jemisin
The Broken Earth Trilogy
This award-winning fantasy series follows a woman with the power to control the earth as she navigates a world on the brink of destruction. Fans of Eon will appreciate the intricate worldbuilding, exploration of power dynamics, and complex characters.
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