The Asian Saga is a series of epic historical novels written by James Clavell, spanning different periods and regions of Asia. The series includes six books: "Shogun," "Tai-Pan," "Gai-Jin," "King Rat," "Noble House," and "Whirlwind." "Shogun" is set in 17th-century Japan and follows the story of an English navigator who becomes involved in the political intrigues of the Japanese shogunate. "Tai-Pan" takes place in 19th-century Hong Kong and chronicles the lives of several powerful traders during the Opium Wars. "Gai-Jin" is set in 1862 Japan and explores the clash between Western and Japanese cultures during the Meiji Restoration. "King Rat" is a World War II prison camp drama set in Singapore, while "Noble House" is a contemporary novel about a powerful trading company in Hong Kong. The final book in the series, "Whirlwind," is set in the 1970s Iranian Revolution and follows a group of oil executives fighting for survival. The Asian Saga offers a rich and detailed portrayal of Asian history, culture, and society, as well as the complex relationships between Westerners and Asians. Clavell's storytelling combines historical facts, adventure, and human drama, making the series a captivating and educational read for those interested in Asian history and culture...
James Clavell
Gai-Jin is the third book in the Asian Saga and is set in Japan during the Meiji Restoration. The novel tells the story of a young English engineer who becomes embroiled in the political and social upheaval of the time as he tries to build a railroad through the country.
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If you enjoyed the Asian Saga, you should definitely read Shogun, as it is the first book in the series. This epic novel tells the story of an English pilot who is stranded in Japan and must navigate the complexities of the feudal Japanese society.
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Tai-Pan is the second book in the Asian Saga and is set in Hong Kong in the mid-19th century. The novel follows the story of Dirk Struan, the head of the Noble House trading company, as he battles rival companies and the Chinese Triads to maintain his position as the dominant trader in the region.
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King Rat
King Rat is not part of the Asian Saga, but it is another excellent novel by James Clavell. Set in a Japanese POW camp during World War II, the novel follows the story of the camp's black market kingpin and his struggles to maintain his power in the face of adversity.
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