The Harry Bosch, #14; Mickey Haller, #2; Harry Bosch Universe series by Michael Connelly offers a thrilling and captivating experience for crime fiction enthusiasts. The series features two main protagonists, Harry Bosch and Mickey Haller, who are half-brothers and share a complex and intriguing family dynamic. Harry Bosch, a seasoned LAPD detective, is the central character in the Harry Bosch series. In this fourteenth installment, Bosch faces a challenging case involving the murder of a Hollywood producer and the disappearance of a valuable screenplay. Connelly masterfully combines suspense, intrigue, and character development, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as Bosch navigates the dark corners of Los Angeles and uncovers a web of deceit and corruption. Mickey Haller, a defense attorney and the protagonist of the Mickey Haller series, is introduced in the second installment. Haller, who operates out of the back seat of his Lincoln Town Car, takes on a high-profile case involving a wealthy businessman accused of murder. Connelly delves into the complexities of the legal system and the moral ambiguities of the justice system, providing a thought-provoking and engaging narrative. The Harry Bosch Universe series brings together both characters, allowing readers to explore their interconnected stories and the intriguing world of crime, justice, and family dynamics. Connelly's exceptional storytelling and character development create an immersive and thrilling experience for fans of crime fiction and mystery novels...
Michael Connelly
The Lincoln Lawyer
This is the first book in the Mickey Haller series, where the reader gets to know the charismatic defense attorney who operates out of the back seat of his Lincoln Town Car. While this book doesn't feature Harry Bosch, it does give insight into the other side of the justice system, which Bosch often interacts with.
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The Black Echo
This is the first book in the Harry Bosch series, where the reader is introduced to the relentless and brilliant LAPD detective. This book is a great choice for those who want to start from the beginning of Bosch's story and follow his career.
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The Brass Verdict
This is the second book in the Mickey Haller series and the first book where Haller and Bosch cross paths. This book is a great choice for those who want to see how the two series intersect and how Bosch and Haller work together to solve a case.
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Echo Park
This is the 12th book in the Harry Bosch series, where Bosch investigates the murder of a young woman with a connection to a case from his past. This book is a great choice for those who want to see how Bosch's past continues to impact his present.
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The Drop
This is the 17th book in the Harry Bosch series, where Bosch investigates the killing of a homeless veteran with ties to a 1940s crime. This book is a great choice for those who want to see how Bosch's cases often intersect with history.
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