The "Bad Girls Don't Die" series by Katie Alender is a thrilling and chilling collection of young adult horror novels. The series follows the protagonist, Alexis Warren, as she navigates her family's eerie past and the supernatural occurrences that seem to follow her. In the first book, "Bad Girls Don't Die," Alexis moves with her family to a new home in Florida, where she discovers that her younger sister, Kasey, has been possessed by a mysterious force. As Alexis investigates the strange happenings, she uncovers a dark family secret and a vengeful spirit that threatens her and her loved ones. The sequel, "From Bad to Cursed," delves deeper into the supernatural world as Alexis and her friends confront a centuries-old witch who seeks revenge on their town. The group must work together to unravel the mystery and break the curse before it's too late. The final book in the trilogy, "As Dead as it Gets," finds Alexis and her friends preparing for their high school graduation while still dealing with the supernatural forces that haunt them. When a new evil threatens their lives, they must rely on their courage, friendship, and wit to survive. With a perfect blend of suspense, mystery, and horror, the "Bad Girls Don't Die" series is an engaging and captivating read for fans of young adult fiction and paranormal thrillers...
Maureen Johnson
The Name of the Star
If you enjoyed the paranormal elements and thrilling mystery in 'Bad Girls Don't Die', you'll love 'The Name of the Star'. This book follows American Rory Dean as she starts boarding school in London and gets caught up in a series of Jack the Ripper-inspired murders. Atmospheric and full of suspense, this is a must-read for fans of Alender's series.
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The Replacement
For those who enjoyed the eerie and atmospheric setting of 'Bad Girls Don't Die', 'The Replacement' is a great choice. Mackie Doyle is not like other teenagers - he's the replacement for a human child who was taken by the creatures that live beneath the town. As Mackie uncovers the truth about his past, he must confront the dark forces that threaten to destroy his world. This book is a haunting and atmospheric read that will keep you hooked until the very end.
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