Discover books similar to "Damar" series

Damar series cover

Robin McKinley

"Damar" series


The Damar series by Robin McKinley is a captivating fantasy adventure that follows the journey of a young heroine named Aerin. Set in the magical kingdom of Damar, the series explores Aerin's transformation from a misunderstood and neglected princess to a courageous warrior and eventual queen. The first book, "The Blue Sword," introduces Aerin as she discovers her destiny and hones her skills as a warrior, eventually leading her people to victory against an invading force. The second book, "The Hero and the Crown," delves deeper into Aerin's past and her struggles to prove herself as a capable ruler, ultimately solidifying her place in Damarian history. McKinley's rich storytelling and intricate world-building create an immersive experience, making the Damar series a must-read for fans of high fantasy and coming-of-age tales...

Books in series:

List of books similar to "Damar" series:

The Hero and the Crown cover

Robin McKinley

The Hero and the Crown

If you enjoyed Damar, you'll love returning to the world Robin McKinley created in this prequel to 'The Blue Sword'. Aerin, the heroine, struggles to prove her worth as a warrior and the rightful heir to the throne. Fans of Damar will appreciate the strong female protagonist, rich world-building, and epic adventure.

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The Blue Sword cover

Robin McKinley

The Blue Sword

This is the first book in the Damar series, where we meet Harry Crewe, a young woman who finds herself in the midst of a magical world filled with danger and intrigue. If you've already read Damar and are craving more, this is the perfect choice, as it introduces the world and characters that you've come to love.

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The Steerswoman cover

Rosemary Kirstein

The Steerswoman

This series, starting with 'The Steerswoman', features a strong female protagonist who embarks on a journey to uncover the secrets of a mysterious artifact. Fans of Damar will appreciate the intricate plot, world-building, and themes of adventure and discovery.

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The Mists of Avalon cover

Marion Zimmer Bradley

The Mists of Avalon

This retelling of the Arthurian legend, told from the perspective of the women in the story, will appeal to fans of Damar. The rich world-building, complex characters, and themes of magic and power will remind you of the Damar series.

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The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms cover

N.K. Jemisin

The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms

This fantasy novel, set in a world where gods are enslaved, features a strong female protagonist who must navigate a world of magic, politics, and danger. Fans of Damar will appreciate the intricate plot, world-building, and themes of adventure and discovery.

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The Inheritance Trilogy cover

N.K. Jemisin

The Inheritance Trilogy

This fantasy series, starting with 'The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms', features a strong female protagonist who must navigate a world of magic, politics, and danger. Fans of Damar will appreciate the intricate plot, world-building, and themes of adventure and discovery.

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