The Piper McCloud series, penned by Victoria Forester, is a whimsical and enchanting exploration of the extraordinary. The series follows the adventures of Piper McCloud, a young girl with extraordinary abilities, who is whisked away to a secret school for children with special talents. Throughout the series, Piper and her friends navigate the challenges of growing up, discovering their unique abilities, and learning to embrace their differences. Along the way, they encounter magical creatures, face adversity, and uncover the mysteries of their own origins. Forester's imaginative storytelling and vivid descriptions create a captivating world that will inspire and delight young readers. This series is perfect for fans of magic, adventure, and coming-of-age stories...
Soman Chainani
The School for Good and Evil
If you enjoyed the magical world and unique characters in Piper McCloud, you'll love The School for Good and Evil. This book series follows the adventures of best friends Sophie and Agatha, who find themselves in a school that trains heroes and villains. Filled with magic, humor, and heart, this series explores the complexities of friendship and the fine line between good and evil.
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The Magicians
Fans of Piper McCloud's magical adventures will enjoy The Magicians, a series about Quentin Coldwater, a high school senior who discovers that the magical world he read about as a child is real. With its blend of Narnia-like fantasy and Harry Potter-esque boarding school, this series explores the darker side of magic and the consequences of using it.
Learn MoreMaggie Stiefvater
The Raven Cycle
For those who enjoyed the small-town setting and the supernatural elements in Piper McCloud, The Raven Cycle is a must-read. This series follows the story of Blue Sargent and her group of friends as they search for a missing Welsh king and uncover secrets about themselves and their town. Filled with mystery, romance, and magic, this series will keep you on the edge of your seat.
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