Discover books similar to "Culture" series

Culture series cover

Iain M. Banks

"Culture" series


The Culture series by Iain M. Banks is a captivating science fiction collection that explores the complexities of artificial intelligence, human nature, and the ethics of interstellar civilizations. Set in a distant future, the series centers around the Culture, a post-scarcity society where advanced technology and artificial intelligences called Minds coexist with humanoid beings. The Culture is characterized by its advanced technology, liberal values, and commitment to interfering in less advanced civilizations to promote peace and prosperity. The series consists of ten novels and one short story collection, each focusing on different aspects of the Culture and its interactions with other civilizations. The stories delve into philosophical questions about the role of advanced civilizations in the universe, the nature of consciousness, and the consequences of technological progress. Banks' engaging storytelling and vivid world-building make the Culture series a thought-provoking and entertaining read for science fiction enthusiasts. The series offers a unique blend of action, adventure, and introspection, inviting readers to ponder the implications of a highly advanced and benevolent society. Some popular titles in the series include "Consider Phlebas," "Player of Games," and "Excession." The Culture series is a must-read for those interested in exploring the future of artificial intelligence, human society, and the ethical dilemmas that arise from technological progress...

Books in series:

List of books similar to "Culture" series:

Use of Weapons cover

Iain M. Banks

Use of Weapons

This book tells the story of a Culture operative, Zakalwe, who is tasked with intervening in the affairs of violent and war-torn planets. The narrative structure, which alternates between past and present, adds depth to the exploration of the themes of guilt and redemption.

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Excession cover

Iain M. Banks


An ancient and enigmatic artifact, the Excession, appears at the edge of Culture space, prompting a complex and far-reaching response from the Minds and the Culture's Security forces. This novel delves into the political and philosophical aspects of the Culture.

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Inversions cover

Iain M. Banks


Inversions takes a different approach to the Culture series by focusing on two characters living in a backward planetary system that is under the indirect influence of the Culture. The novel explores the themes of power, manipulation, and cultural contact.

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Look to Windward cover

Iain M. Banks

Look to Windward

Set after the events of Excession, Look to Windward deals with the aftermath of a Culture-orchestrated genocide against a militaristic alien race. The novel delves into the themes of trauma, guilt, and the ethics of intervention.

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Matter cover

Iain M. Banks


Matter is set in a feudal society within a shellworld, a massive artificial structure composed of nested concentric spheres. The novel explores the complexities of the society's political and social structures, as well as the ethics of intervention by the Culture.

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Altered Carbon cover

Richard K. Morgan

Altered Carbon

Altered Carbon is a cyberpunk novel set in a future where human personalities can be stored digitally and transferred between bodies. The novel's exploration of themes such as identity, mortality, and power make it a good fit for fans of the Culture series.

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The Calculating Stars cover

Mary Robinette Kowal

The Calculating Stars

The first book in the Lady Astronaut series, The Calculating Stars is an alternate history novel where a meteorite hits Earth in the 1950s, kickstarting a space race to colonize other planets. The novel's focus on societal change, technological progress, and the ethics of space exploration make it a compelling read for Culture series fans.

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Ancillary Justice cover

Ann Leckie

Ancillary Justice

Ancillary Justice is a space opera novel that explores themes of identity, consciousness, and artificial intelligence. The protagonist, Breq, is the last surviving part of a starship's AI, and the novel follows her quest for revenge against those who destroyed her ship and crew. The exploration of AI and societal structures in Ancillary Justice make it a strong recommendation for Culture series fans.

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