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Tarzan series cover

Edgar Rice Burroughs

"Tarzan" series


The Tarzan series, penned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, is a collection of adventure novels that revolve around the captivating character of Tarzan, also known as John Clayton, Lord Greystoke. The series spans 24 books, published between 1912 and 1965, and has been adapted into numerous films, television shows, and other media. The story begins with Tarzan's birth, as he is orphaned in the African jungle when his parents, marooned English nobles, pass away. Raised by apes, Tarzan develops extraordinary physical abilities and a keen intellect, eventually discovering his true heritage. Throughout the series, Tarzan navigates the complexities of both the jungle and human society, often acting as a mediator between the two worlds. Burroughs' Tarzan series is a classic example of the "lost world" and "jungle adventure" literary genres. The books are characterized by their vivid descriptions of the African landscape, thrilling action sequences, and exploration of themes such as identity, morality, and the dichotomy between civilization and nature. The series has captivated generations of readers with its unique blend of adventure, romance, and thought-provoking themes...

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