The Chicago Stars series by Susan Elizabeth Phillips is a beloved collection of contemporary romance novels. The series follows the lives and relationships of the Chicago Stars football team, along with the strong and independent women who capture their hearts. Each standalone novel delves into the personal and romantic journeys of different characters, exploring themes of love, forgiveness, and self-discovery. With witty dialogue, engaging storylines, and a captivating blend of humor and emotion, the Chicago Stars series has become a fan-favorite among romance readers...
Beatriz Williams
The Secret Life of Violet Grant
Like 'Chicago Stars', 'The Secret Life of Violet Grant' features a strong and independent female protagonist. The novel follows a young woman who discovers a mysterious suitcase belonging to a famous female scientist and sets out to uncover the truth about her life.
Learn MoreSarah Addison Allen
The Girl Who Chased the Moon
Fans of 'Chicago Stars' will enjoy 'The Girl Who Chased the Moon' for its magical and romantic storyline. The novel follows a young woman who returns to her small hometown after her mother's death and discovers a world of secrets and enchantment.
Learn MoreJ. Courtney Sullivan
The Engagements
Like 'Chicago Stars', 'The Engagements' features a diverse and engaging cast of characters. The novel tells the story of four different couples and their experiences with love, marriage, and commitment.
Learn MoreHeather Cocks
The Royal We
Like 'Chicago Stars', 'The Royal We' features a romantic and engaging storyline. The novel tells the story of an American woman who falls in love with a British prince and must navigate the challenges of royal life.
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