"The Borrowers" is a captivating series of five novels written by Mary Norton. The series follows the adventures of the Clock family, tiny people who live secretly in the walls and floors of an old English house. They "borrow" items from the "human beans" to survive, leading to a world of imagination and discovery. The first book, "The Borrowers," introduces the family and their precarious existence, while subsequent books explore their escapades, including encounters with other borrowers and their eventual move to a new home. The series is a delightful blend of fantasy, adventure, and humor, appealing to both children and adults. It highlights themes of resourcefulness, courage, and the power of imagination. "The Borrowers" has been adapted into various media formats, including films and television series, and remains a beloved classic in children's literature...
Margery Sharp
The Rescuers
The Rescuers series follows the adventures of a group of mice who work as rescue agents, helping other animals in need. The Rescuers shares the same whimsical tone and sense of adventure as The Borrowers.
Learn MoreLynne Reid Banks
The Indian in the Cupboard
In this classic children's book, a young boy discovers that his toy Indian comes to life when he locks it in a cabinet, much like the Borrowers coming to life when the human family is asleep. The Indian in the Cupboard explores themes of responsibility and the consequences of actions.
Learn MoreBeverly Cleary
The Mouse and the Motorcycle
In this heartwarming tale, a mouse named Ralph befriends a young boy and is introduced to the world of human toys, including a motorcycle. The Mouse and the Motorcycle shares the same sense of adventure and imagination as The Borrowers.
Learn MoreGeorge Selden
The Cricket in Times Square
When a country cricket finds himself in the bustling Times Square, he befriends a streetwise cat and a mouse. The Cricket in Times Square is a charming tale of friendship and adaptation, much like The Borrowers.
Learn MoreE.B. White
Stuart Little
Stuart Little is a young mouse who was born to human parents. He goes on many adventures, including trying to find his lost bird friend. Stuart Little shares the same sense of adventure and whimsy as The Borrowers.
Learn MoreKate DiCamillo
The Tale of Despereaux
The Tale of Despereaux is about a small mouse with big ears who dreams of becoming a knight. This book shares the same sense of adventure, whimsy, and themes of acceptance and belonging as The Borrowers.
Learn MoreKenneth Grahame
The Wind in the Willows
The Wind in the Willows follows the adventures of a group of animal friends, including a resourceful mole, a wise water rat, and a daring toad. This classic children's book shares the same sense of adventure and love of nature as The Borrowers.
Learn MoreE.B. White
Charlotte's Web
Charlotte's Web is a classic children's book about a pig named Wilbur and his friendship with a spider named Charlotte. This book shares the same themes of friendship and the struggle for survival as The Borrowers.
Learn MoreRobert C. O'Brien
The Rats of NIMH
The Rats of NIMH follows the adventures of a group of highly intelligent rats who escape from a research laboratory and form their own society. This book shares the same themes of intelligence, resourcefulness, and the struggle for survival as The Borrowers.
Learn MoreRobert C. O'Brien
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH is a Newbery Medal-winning book about a widowed mouse who seeks the help of a group of escaped laboratory rats to save her home. This book shares the same themes of intelligence, resourcefulness, and the struggle for survival as The Borrowers.
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